-14- We only need one room

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-14- We only need one room

Even though I couldn't believe it, but the two weeks passed faster than I thought. And Emily had not tried to approach me in any way again. Maybe our mothers scared her off. It looked really threatening how the two of them kept coming at her with their fists and threatened her that if she said anything against Zhan and me again, they would beat her up.

Maybe it was because we had a lot of contact in between this time. Even though cell phones are forbidden at Zhan's boarding school. Zhan told me that almost everyone there secretly has a mobile phone. They just have to be careful if another unannounced inspection is made. That's why most of them wear their cell phones under their pants, in their stockings.

When Zhan landed two hours ago and came running towards me, carrying his two heavy suitcases, I ran towards him and held him firmly in my arms for a while. Too bad we were at the airport and that I couldn't kiss him because of that. But at least I could hold him tightly to me. Until my grandma kicked after me and told us to get a room.

Back at home, our parents gave Zhan a warm welcome and hugged him. "I've already cleaned your room and changed your sheets." Said Zhan's mother.

"Mom, we only need one room." I said, smiling. Zhan's mom's face turned red and my mom turned around with a grin. While our dads looked at each other meaningful and nodded.

"Well, then you can take turns sleeping in your room and Zhan's room." She suggested it instead.

"Rejected. My room is so conveniently located that no one can hear us. Your bedroom is directly under Zhan's room." I said, and Zhan's mom's face got a bit more dark.

"This is my boy." My dad said, and got a pat on the back of his head from my mom.

"A Zhan? What have you to say to that?" Asked his mother.

Zhan shrugged and replied, "I think Yibo is right and I think his room is nicer."

Now that we had cleared this up, I took Zhan's suitcases upstairs to his room while Zhan followed me and first went to the bathroom to take a shower. Unfortunately we had to go downstairs to the kitchen again immediately, because it was time for dinner.

My grandma was sitting at the head of the table and Zhan was sitting next to me. I grinned the whole time because I was happy. Not only that my Zhan is back, but also that he is sitting next to me again.

Zhan and my grandma kept looking at each other during dinner and when we finished, my grandma nodded and Zhan said he had something to announce. He stood up and stood next to my grandma and told us his news.

"I've been thinking back and forth for a long time and decided that I'm not going back to Seoul after the summer holidays. Grandma already knew about all of this and helped me to organize everything. I'll spend my senior year at my old school and in my old class."

I could hardly believe what he was saying and looked at him with eyes wide open. "Is this true?"

"Mn. I wanted to tell you about it two weeks ago, but Grandma said we should wait a little longer."

Our parents were thrilled and I? I was just overjoyed. I was about to jump on, when my grandma had something to announce, too.

"There's always good news and bad news. I bring you the bad news. Two months ago, during a routine physical examination by my doctor, an irregularity was discovered. After a further examination, it was clear that I have cancer. It is treatable and the chances of recovery are good. But because of my advanced age, there is still a risk that I could die."

We looked at her speechless. No one knew what to say. My mother started crying. She was afraid about her mother, of course.

When we had digested the shock a bit, and told Grandma we would help and stand by her. I turned my attention back to my boyfriend. Zhan and I went into the yard and sat down on the wooden platform. I also used the last two weeks to put a pavilion on it. So that we don't have to sit in direct sunlight, especially now in the middle of summer.

"I still can't believe you're not going away again."

"I didn't take the decision lightly and I made it a while ago. I miss our parents, our home, my friends, and most of all you, too much when I'm in Seoul."

Those words went down like oil. He misses me most of all.

Since we were finally alone, protected from unwanted glances, by the pavilion, I could finally catch up on what I couldn't do at the airport and kissed Zhan.

Unfortunately we didn't stay alone for long, because our parents came outside with my grandma and decided they wanted to have a barbecue. And this although there had been dinner only half an hour ago.

We all sat together on the grass in the yard and talked. I had my arm around Zhan's waist and my grandma was smiling at me. "In one year, when you're 18 years old, I hope you'll get married." She said to me and I remembered that two weeks ago she had talked about getting married.

"If Zhan still wants me then, I'll gladly marry him." I said, and everyone looked at me with big eyes. "What? You don't think I'm letting Zhan go again, do you?"

"Do you really want to get married?" Zhan asked me.

"Sure. I would already do it if I could. But I can gladly wait another year."

"Okay." Zhan said briefly and concisely.

My mother suddenly jumped up and said, "Then we should start planning as soon as possible. "Imagine if they get married, then we really are a family."

Zhan's mother gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, "But I'll only let you marry him if you promise to always take good care of him."

"I will. I promise I will."

My father said this was the time to move on to alcoholic drinks. He ran into the house and came back with several bottles of beer and a bottle of wine for the women.

"Let's all toast. To having two such fine sons and to being a family soon." That's what my mother said.

Our parents and my grandma drank their alcohol in the summer heat and I went upstairs to my room with Zhan. Well, I guess I could call it our room. Zhan sat on the bed and I handed him my diary, which I started writing on Chuyue's advice.

Zhan read the first three pages and then put it aside and looked at me. "I know that I hurt you very much when I left. Even if you didn't love me, it would have hurt you and I should have thought of it before I left. I'm sorry I only thought of myself then." He said.

"It's OK, Zhan. Don't worry about it anymore."

"No Yibo, I don't want to dismiss it and I want you to know that I'm really sorry and I promise I'll never hurt you again."

I know he didn't mean to hurt me. It was never on purpose, and I also know that he's sorry. But I'm not innocent in this either. I'm aware of that, too.

" Look, if I had confessed my feelings for you sooner, it wouldn't have come to this. So let's stop all this and let's forget this bad time for both of us and focus on the here and now. Let's just be happy and enjoy our love."

I already know that I'm going to marry Zhan in one year and six weeks. Because I know my feelings for him will never change. He was always by my side, and he always will be. Our plans from back then exist again, only sorely changed.

Now we don't plan to live in a house with our future wives like our parents. Instead we plan to marry each other and stay here in the house with our parents who love us more than anything else.

And as I was writing, my mind wandered and I almost wrote a chapter with a mix of three different stories. If I hadn't noticed that, I'm sure there would have been a confusing and funny chapter. 


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