Chapter 1: Heartache

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    Yami was drinking water from the fountain exhausted by today's workout. He took a deep breath as he was proud of how much he did today. He was very sore from yesterday's exercise since he pushed himself to his limit. Tea's words were what made him self conscious about himself. "How come all my friends have nice, tall, and buff boyfriends? At least make an effort for me."
Poor Yami worked himself to death just to make his girlfriend happy. He would do anything for her if it means she can be blissful. So if he had to feel pain physically for a week, then he would do just that.

    Yami was on his way to the exit of the gym until one of the girls that he would catch staring at him stopped him. "Hey there." She bashfully looked away as she gently rocked her hips to both directions. Yami was flustered by her body language but shook his head. "Is there anything you need?"
"So I saw how you kept catching me staring at you, I was wondering if you would maybe want my number?"
"Oh I apoligize if I led you on but I have a girlfriend."
"Aw seriously? Well that's cool but if you ever need a plan B..." She smirked. "Ill be here."

"Thank you ill...think about that."

    Yami walked in a quick pace to his car very needy to shower. The entire car ride he kept looking at himself in the mirror wondering if he looked good or not. Tea was great at getting underneath his skin, but he couldn't tell her that. He was the king of games after all. He was supposed to be confident with himself.

    He cautiously opened the front door to his apartment and set the keys down on the coat hanger. The first thing he wanted to do was get in the shower so he had already removed his dirty clothes and placed them in the laundry basket. He was about to play some music before he got a text.

Tea: Hey boo what r u doing?
Yami: Hey Princess I was gonna take a shower since I got out of the gym
Tea: Aw are you working hard for me? You know I'm glad you're taking this seriously you were getting kind of ugly JKJKJK
Yami: haha yeah so wyd?
Tea: gotta go, I have to party with some of my bitches Kay? Love you boo.
Yami: love you too
    Yami sighed as he was disappointed that his girlfriend barely had any time for him. He shrugged thinking he was just overreacting and he was just being a baby. Although Yami knew deep down that he wasn't happy at all. He was trapped and had no escape. The shower was his safe place, a safe place to cry.

"I'm such a mess..." He wept.

    He massaged his sore back as he cried some more, he wanted to break up with her but he didn't know how. Tea was very kind and sweet in his eyes, she wasn't though but he was too stubborn to admit that. All of his friends hated her and knew she was just a gold digger. Joey would shit talk her daily each time she was brought up as Tristin would shake his head agreeing with him. Yugi would desperately try to find the good things in Tea but would have a very hard time to find any.

"C'mon Yami! She's just using ya! I bet ya she was deh reason why your emergency fund was empty!"
"Joey is right Yami, that girl is bad news."
"She can't be that bad Tristin, she's....uhm...ugh..."
"Face it Yuge, she's a gold digger, she only cares for deh money bags."

    Yami had to think about that conversation over and over again. After washing his hair he got out of the shower and took a good look at himself. His eyes were puffy and red from the crying, he looked tired. Not even a nice hot shower can rejuvenate his mental state. He knew that it was finally time to end things. He just had to end things with Tea.

    He thought hard about it, so hard that his head began to hurt. He needed help so he got the guys in the group call. He nervously waited for each one of them to answer. Each of them had the same shocked and sad expression as soon as they saw Yami's face. Poor Yami was suffering and he didn't know what to do about it.

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