Chapter 2: Long Day Ahead

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Yami felt dazed as soon as he woke up. He massaged his temples before feeling the excruciating pain on his lower back. He groaned from the sudden feeling when he shifted. He prepared himself physically and he stood up quickly only to feel as if 3 grown men were standing on his back. It took him a minute to remember the harsh partying he did the day before. He must have had a sugar crash because he certainly does not drink. He smiled to himself knowing that he did have a great time, and knowing how much of a pain it will be to help Yugi clean his house.

Yami's mouth gaped open when the clock read 12:00 PM. He thanked the gods that it was summer, and college ended just a few days ago. He rubbed his back and gently shook Joey with his foot. Joey mumbled and grabbed Yami by the leg to cuddle with it. Yami gasped as he fell down on his bottom, he yelped when Tristin suddenly started cuddling his arm. Yami's eyebrow twitched, but it was the last straw for him as soon as Yugi got a hold of his other arm.

"Can you guys stop please? I'm not a homosexual you know."

The others awoke at the same time and were very confused on why they were all slumped together. Yami sighed as he lifted himself up by the support of his thigh. He glared at the three men and they all scratched their heads in embarrassment. Yami pointed at the clock to remind them how long they have been asleep for. Yugi began to freak out knowing that his grandpa would come in 2 two hours. Joey didn't care and Tristin was still half asleep.

"Wow, dat lady Gaga music was playing in my dream..." Joey yawned and rubbed his eyes.
" hard did we go at it yesterday?"
"Pretty hard..." Tristin chuckled then he pointed to a stack of random drawings we placed on the floor from when we were playing Pictionary. "Can you guys help clean up?" Yugi nervously asked.

"Of course Yugi." Yami smiled. "Joey will do most of the work because most of this is his fault anyways."

Finally finishing up, and doing their daily morning routine, the boys followed Yami out of the game shop. The sudden feeling of anxiety pressed against his chest. He has to break up with Tea today and he's still scared. The boys took notice and gave warm smiles to which Yami felt comfortable with. They comforted Yami the entire walk to the cafe where they planned on having breakfast. Yami heard a buzz from his phone and nearly dropped it when he saw 86 missed notifications from his girlfriend.

"Dang..." Joey muttered.

"I-I need to take this." He hesitantly pressed the call button. Only one ring passed and he was greeted with Tea yelling at him.
"What the hell Yami? Why didn't you answer my calls?"
"I'm sorry princess I was with the guys yesterday and-"
"I don't believe it, you never have time for me! When was the last time we hung out?"
"Tea you're always with your friends and I only went with mine once!"
"Not true, I'm never with my friends! You get your ass over here at my house right now!"
"I'm having breakfast with my friends I can't"
"Unbelievable! Fine then, ill just burn your favorite sweater you lent me a few weeks back."
"You mean the sweater with the cute panda eating it's mothers food? Ive been trying to get it back for weeks Tea!"
"Come here and get it before I destroy it then!"

She hung up the phone and he called her multiple times with no answer. He shook in anger as he grit his teeth. She was definitely getting on Yami's nerves. That never happened before but he felt it. Rage. Yami calmed himself down by feeling the reassuring pat on his back. The guys looked at each other and gave him a thumbs up.

"This is your chance Yami! Break up with her!"
"Yeah! You can do it buddy!"
"We'll wait for you at breakfast, just tell it to her face and get the hell out of there."

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