Chapter 5: Friends

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Yami felt warm and comfy in his bed. He hardly remembered what he did last night. This time he didn't wake up with a throbbing headache like usual. The morning light shone through the window, the birds sung together as if it was a more pleasant alarm clock. This morning was different for Yami. He wasn't waking up depressed like he would usually do. He felt comfy, and his back pains went away miraculously. "It must have been y/n's massage that I asked for." Yami thought. "How did I get back to my house?"

Yami opened his eyes from a good nights rest, staring at the ceiling. From the corner of his eye he saw y/n's hair. He turned his head a little too have noticed he was sleeping on her lap. "Oh good...wait what!!!!" He thought. He sat up taking a look around her girly room as he worked hard figuring out how they slept on the same bed. "Oh yeah..." Yami chuckled.

Before they actually went to sleep, Y/n was knocked out cold, losing the bet on who could stay up the longest. Yami was extremely tired that he fell unconscious from exhaustion.

Yami rubbed the back of his head as he stared down at y/n on the bed. "What a flower." He smiled. He shook her gently trying to wake her up, but received nothing but tired moans. "Y/n get up."
"I love you Alex.." She hummed.
Yami frowned knowing he had to wake her up now. He shook her intensely before her eyes shot wide open. "I'm awake Joey get the kettle!"
She screamed. "Oh it's just you Yami...did you stay over? What a night." Y/n nervously laughed. Yami found her laugh cute and endearing. "Ah yes, we have gotten a little over board yesterday..."
"I can room is quite a mess."
"Ill help you clean it."

So the two settled on cleaning the house. The kitchen, the living room, and her bedroom were a mess. Even the short hallways of her apartment were filled with board games and littered with trash. Y/n heard a knock on the door and skipped to answer it.
"Ey y/n!" Joey happily waved.
"Hi Joey."
"Hey Joey." Yami smiled.
"Yami? Oh cool you came to visit too?"
"Uhm actually I stayed over."

Joey widened his eyes as he looked at both of them. First at y/n, then Yami, then y/n again..then Yami. This continued for a few seconds before Joey collapsed on the ground from shock. "WOAH DID YOU GUYS HIT IT OFF OR SOMETHIN?"
"What do you mean?" Y/n scratched her chin. Yami knew exactly was Joey was talking about, and his face turned red.
"J-joey no! I swear!" Yami couldn't believe himself, he didn't even bother remembering that y/n was a girl. NOT A BOY. He simply didn't care  at first but now that he was deeply thinking about it, he felt like such a pervert. He covered his face with his hand while y/n was still confused about what Joey meant. Of course she would, she was a cinnamon roll who was innocent.

Alex paced in his room wondering if he did the right thing. "NO!" He screamed. He felt horrible from yesterday and spoke out of anger. He was very regretful of that night and pledged to make it up to her. His head was aching from the thinking though it was worth it because he thought of a cute idea. He wanted to buy her flowers and her favorite chocolates, along with her birthday gift that will be coming up soon. He was finished paying off his debts so he needed to focus on the girl he was in love with. Y/n.

He bought many roses and her favorite crunchy chocolate bars that she was obsessed with. He was sure that this could win y/n over. Nothing can possibly go wrong. He received a notification on his phone, reminding him that y/n posted on her social media. He quickly sipped on his soda that he bought before tapping on her profile.

It was a video of her and Yami trying to reach the top cupboard. "Wow Yami..." A Brooklyn accent spoke. "You suck."
"I can do this! it!"
Y/n clapped her hands, grabbing a hold of the flour. She dipped her finger in the bag and drew all over yami's face. "Haha! Yami she drew a fat shwong on your forehead!"
"ugHHh seriously y/n?" He laughed.
"Actually i drew a smiley face!"

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