Chapter 10: a second chance

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3 AM was what Yami read on the clock. The both of them slept too early, so he was sure his sleep schedule was going to be off. Yami stared back down at his little y/n, who was buried in his arms. Her arm wrapped across his body, and her leg was also wrapped, it was on his abdomen, and she would occasionally rub against him for warmth. Her little snores were so cute, they were barely heard but Yami was very close to her. He blushed, feeling the need to kiss her. He kissed the top of her head as he rubbed her back. He had a feeling both of them would be sore in the morning so he quietly, and I cannot stress this enough, quietly got off the couch. He didn't wake her up but he did take her to his bed.

When she was on the bed, her arm felt around the empty space on the bed. Yami laid beside her, and when she felt him, she shuffled over to him and snuggled. She went back to the position they were on the couch and Yami was in heaven. He took a sip from his water bottle on the night stand, feeling refreshed.

Yami was the first to wake up again, and he admired how y/n was so close to him. This felt so right, and he would love to do this more often. Yami didn't bother getting up for breakfast, he would rather just stay here all cuddled up with her. Yami thought about it some more and wondered how y/n would react. This is a position that best friends shouldn't be doing. Yami's leg was right in between her legs, her's wrapped around his waist. His thoughts went too deep, and he was imagining all sorts of things.
"The things I would do to you..." He thought. He didn't scold himself this time. He had just excepted the fact that there was no way to take that back. He felt ashamed yes, but well that was the truth. He was sexually attracted to her, just like how he was with Tea.

But this time he was more needy, more then he ever was with his ex. He never had sex but he was planning on it with Tea on their anniversary. Well...he dumped her though. "Ill leave you shaking." Yami's mind screamed. He was finally at his limit, he didn't care anymore. He was so intoxicated by this fragile girl, he wanted her, and bad. Yami raised his hand and slapped himself in the face.

Y/n fluttered her eyes open from the slapping noise. Yami shut his eyes hoping she didn't catch him staring. He didn't make it obvious, he was a great actor that's for sure. Y/n thought he was still asleep, but when she cuddled more with Yami, that left him with his face completely red. Y/n was really cold though. She was freezing, her throat was sore, her nose was stuffy, and her stomach ached. The rain last night really did a number on her. Yami felt her shaking, and for a second thought she was crying. He opened his eyes feeling bad when he saw y/n shivering. She sniffed and moaned in pain because of her burning throat.

"Y/n are you okay?" He whispered.
"Ugh...." she groaned.
"Are you feeling sick? Ill be right back I think I have some medicine for this."

    Yami frantically searched through his cabinets. He was glad to have found the right medicine for her, and wasted no time going to his room. He poured the Medicine into a spoon and hovered it over her mouth. "Drink." He said sternly. Y/n could only star at the spoon before sticking her tongue out. "Yucky."
"Drink it."

    He shoved the spoon into her mouth, and she gulped shortly after gaging. Yami placed the spoon on the table, and was met with a mean glare. "Oh come on you expect me not to take care of you. Let this be the last time you go running in the rain."
"Yessir!" She smiled before looking dizzy. "Uhm, Yami I see 4 of you is that okay?"
"I'm hot!" She complained, kicking the blanket off of her.
"That's just the medicine, sweating is good."
"Is your AC on?"
"Turn it on more!"

"I'm going to brush my teeth, can you stand?"

    Yami placed her arm over his shoulder, and walked her to the bathroom. He unwrapped a new toothbrush and gave it to her, Once he was done, he noticed she hasn't even started. "Y/n brush your teeth."
"This thing will comb my teeth? My teeth has hair?"
After explaining for 3 minutes, she was done. Yami forced her back in bed, and offered to make soup.
"Soup!" She chanted.

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