Chapter 17: *lemon* The right person

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It was the first day of their first semester in college. Y/n was listening to her professor talk about..whatever the hell he was talking about. Y/n was glad to know that Yami was in the same class as her. So he sat next to her taking notes. It had been a few weeks after the kidnapping, and she has grown to be very popular. Since that day, Yami has grown extremely overprotective, but not controlling. Y/n was writing down some notes, biting her lip in concentration. Yami smirked, loving her face. Y/n received a text, and was a little confused on why Yami texted her when he literally was right next to her.
Yami: Bite your lip like that again😏
Y/n blushed, and it was so bright that maybe a couple of students even noticed it. Yami chuckled softly, then secretly wrapped an arm around her waist. He continued to write notes as his hand was stuck onto her, he was so casual about it too. Y/n couldn't concentrate at all, the professor noticed that she was blushing. The teacher smirked and called on her.
"Miss Y/n is there anything wrong?" He held in a laugh. He was president of the 'Yami X Y/n' club.
"Y-yes! NO! I!"
"Are you sure?"

He chuckled a bit before going back to what he was saying. When the professor wasn't looking, Yami whispered in her ear, "You almost blew our cover flower." Then he kissed her cheek. Y/n was red now, all red. Like fucking Elmo.

After class, Yami was holding his girlfriend's hand. He was glaring at the other boys with their wishful thinking. Y/n like always stayed oblivious to the dangers. But Ever since that day, she has grown to fear quiet dark streets, or her being alone. Yami gave her plenty of kisses and even gave her a nice long smooch before they had to separate for the next class.
"I love you. *chu*." Y/n kissed his cheek.
"*chu* I love *chu* you *chu* too....*chu*."

"No PDA." A random professor walked by. Yami rolled his eyes but listened since he couldn't afford to get kicked out.
"Bye flower."

Y/n daydreamed about her new boyfriend as she walked to her next class. Tristin walked next to her since they shared periods.
"I forgot how to get to class..." Tristin rubbed the back of his neck.
"That's because you suck." She playfully punched his shoulder, then he ruffled her hair.
"Hey, Y/n, as your best friend in the whole wide world, AKA: the greatest person ever, I was hoping maybe you would show me the rest of my...classes...?"
"You are terrible with directions!" Y/n scolded.
"Hey, I'm not as bad as Joey."
"At least Yugi is there to help him out!"

The two joked until their next class, and noticed Joey trying to draw something stupid. "Joey pay attention in class this year okay?" Y/n sighed. Joey nervously chuckled then scooted closer to the wall so the others can sit. Y/n was in between boys, and got annoyed when the two started arguing in conversations. "You guys are noisy...who cares if Pegasus or Seto are rich."
"Yeah, who cares." Kaiba leaned back, sitting in front of them.
"How long have you been dere?" Joey blinked.
"The entire time loser."

"Why don't you two just get married." Tristin shook his head.
"NO WAY!" Kaiba pouted.

Yami was paying attention in class, taking notes and sharing answers with Yugi. Yami was trying really hard not to think about his girlfriend but she kept appearing in his mind. He forced her out of there, and a few minutes later she would come back.
"Wow, you're that eager to see Y/n? It's only been like 2 seconds." Yugi read his book.
"It's difficult Yugi.."
"So have you guys done anything yet?" Yugi smirked.
"What do you mean? We do a lot together."
"No. Have you guys...done...anything yet?"

"I don't follow."
"Did you guys fuck?"
"YUGI!" Yami accidentally yelled. The professor glared at him, "S-sorry." He sat back down.
"So did you?" Yugi said, still smirking.
"She's cute and simple. How can I? If she dated Alex for a long time and hadn't done anything what makes you think we would do anything like that in just a few weeks of dating?"
"Well, are you planning on waiting 5-7 years to propose first then do it?"
"Hopefully yes..."

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