Chapter 8: Friendship!

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    Yami was already winning in monopoly, he would roll nothing but 6 every time. Y/n was sure he was cheating, but she didn't know how. Yami simply moved his piece and landed on her spot. "YES! PAY UP!"
Yami chuckled while rolled his eyes. "Ok, here is your 15 dollars."
Y/n thought about it for a second before sighing. "Stop." She pouted.

    Yami fell to the floor, holding in his stomach as he let out a long laugh. Y/n was near murdering him, and was about to say so until Yami placed a finger on her lip. "No need to speak, after all I'm the king of games, bow down to me."
Y/n slapped his hand away and flipped the board. "You're cheating!"
"Uh, apparently the gods favor you because uh...they do!"
"I think you're just Terrible at rolling dice little y/n."

    Y/n had invited all her friends over, knowing that Yami might need as much support as he can get. Since they were the only ones in the apartment, they were able to mess around and prank each other. Y/n left to get more snacks, leaving Yami all alone...with a nerf gun. Y/n walked with a bag of chips before narrowing her eyes. "You..wouldn't dare."
"Oh...I would." Yami shot at her shoulder, which made a small thump against her. It went quiet for a second before they started playing a game of Cat and mouse.

    Tristin opened the door since it was somehow unlocked and walked in on the two of them running around. When they noticed, they stopped at a very weird position. But they stood up straight after. Tristin was making fun of them, until Joey scared him, making Tristin squeal like a girl. "Wow, you're more girly den y/n." Said Joey. He pat his back multiple times until Yugi cut him off.
"Shut it puppy."

"We were just playing monopoly right now."
"No you weren't you were chasing Yami around while he shot you with a nerf gun."
"Hahahahaha, never happened-anyways come to my room."

    Yugi was in between Yami and y/n, they kept making playful eye contact, so Yugi moved out of the way. "So uh y/n.." Yugi asked.
"Are you Yami or-HMP! OW TRISTIN!"
"Hehe, don't mind Yugi he hasn't had his daily vitamins..."

    The pair turned red in the face still oblivious to their feelings. Joey changed the subject about cars 3 and how the others movie sucked except the last one. The others argued with him of course.

    After hanging out, they all decided to go on Disney plus.

"Ey, put a princess movie, Tristin here would like that won't ya-OW!"
"Lion king!"
"How about....ratatouille?"

"I never watched it before is it good?"

    Yami gasped, he was astonished. "Oh my gods....we're watching this movie right now."

    The beginning of the movie excited y/n since she was a Disney fan. Joey sat between the two main pair, which made Tristin and Yugi slightly annoyed. Tristin came up from behind and smacked his head, Joey growled before chasing Tristin around the room. Yugi laid on his back and pushed Yami closer to the girl. "Yugi, why are you laying down?" Yami asked.
"Ohhh, look at this leg room...ahhh."
Yugi thought they weren't close enough so he pushed very hard making Yami fall on her. Yami fell, trapping y/n between his arm. He growled. "Yugi seriously?"
"Whoops sorry I uh...have...a condition. Yeah spasm."

"Sorry little y/n."
"Oh it's no problem you're really warm."
"Am I now? Are you cold?"
"Yeah actually."

    Yugi noticed that Yami was still on top of her. Yugi blushed as Tristin tipped Yami over, hoping that maybe those two might lock lips. Yami however saw something like this coming and used his other arm to support himself. He pushed himself off of her and crossed his arms.
"Hehehe..." The two nervously laughed. "Joey. Let's team up." Yami glared. "Hehe, sure!"

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