Chapter 11: Fun

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Yami was finished showering. He was clean from the mess he made earlier back at the door. He found out the door had been unlocked, it would have been bad if y/n had to return if she forgot something. Yami felt relived for doing what he did, he really needed to release his stress. Yugi texted him about the fair, so he took his time to choose his outfit. Dress to impress...y/n at least. After trying on a lot of outfits like some rich girl, he decided to stick with one he really liked.

"Who am I kidding? I'd be happy if she'd find me a little cute at least

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"Who am I kidding? I'd be happy if she'd find me a little cute at least." He sighed. "I will just have to work with what I have."
After all, a women should love a man for who they are. Yami pulled out his money for some tickets, and had a few extra large bills so he can win some games. He was planning on maybe impressing her with gifts, he was good at carnival games so he was very confident. He waited around his room until the time came, he agreed to pick up Joey and Yugi, while Tristin drove y/n in his car. Yami was actually going to ask to switch places, but he grew nervous in the end.

Yami needed a wingman, someone to give him advice. He wanted to ask Joey since he knew a lot about girls, but he was sure his experiences were very different then Yami. So he decided to confide in Yugi, even though he's only had a few dates, Yami knew Yugi well. So that meant Yugi would have to give great advice. Yami waited around for Yugi first to pick up, he walked out of his apartment complex and hopped in the car. "Hey Yami thanks again!" Yugi gave off a sweet smile, the vibe in the car changed miraculously.
"No problem Yugi."
"Let's pick up Joey now."

When Yami started the car, he felt quite nervous to talk. Yami doesn't talk about girls with Yugi, so he was wondering what Yugi would say. "Yugi...can I tell you something?"
"Yes Yami?" Yugi replied, playing a game on his phone.
"I love y/n."
"WHAT?" Yugi dropped his phone under the seat. Yugi retrieved his phone with excitement, his eyes sparkled though Yami was focusing on the road. "I knew it! I knew you were a perfect match!"
"I'm not sure how she feels about me though, she gives off the weirdest signals."

"What kind of signals?" Yugi scratched his head.
"Well, she would cuddle up to me for the first part, then she would back away and act like a friend."
"Cuddle up to you?"
"Yeah we slept together on the couch, NOTHING HAPPENED we just slept."
"Woah! Best friends certainly don't do that, unless you're both girls."

"What I was thinking, is I should impress her at carnival games."
"Sounds good! But try not doing it too much, she would want you to have fun too." Yugi suggested.
"Oh Yugi, you're the right one for this job."
"I'm here for you partner!"

Y/n waited patiently at the porch. She was happy on her outfit she chose, good looking enough for...who was she trying to impress again? Y/n thought for a second before shrugging. She Nicely folded Yami's sweater and put it in her bag just in case it might get chilly.

 She Nicely folded Yami's sweater and put it in her bag just in case it might get chilly

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