Chapter 15: BiG oOf

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    Y/n woke up feeling lonely without her Yami. He left after they stopped making out, making the house quiet. She quickly turned off her annoying alarm clock to do her typical morning routine. She texted Yami a good morning, to which he responded very quickly as if he was awake longer then her. Y/n ate her breakfast not having anything to do today, tonight was their big date. She had all day to do whatever she wanted so she felt a little pressured. She called up Tristin who was very delirious because the sudden ring of the phone woke him up.

"H-hello?" Tristin rubbed his eyes.
"Hey Tristin, wanna hang out today? I kind of need your help."
"Yami asked you on a date and you have no clue what to do? Sure ill help."

    Y/n was a bit surprised that Tristin already understood her problem, he knew more about her than anyone else so things should go easy. Y/n wore Yami's sweater, and some nice jeans. When she was done putting on her sneakers she ran outside to where it was very chilly. Her sweater was warm enough though, so she kept on walking to the cafe. They decided to meet there, and Joey wanted to tag along because he wanted to check out some new cards while the other two shopping. Y/n arrived in a few minutes without anyone bothering her. She felt safe walking the streets again, it has been a while.

"Ey Y/n! Dere's ma girl!" Joey pinched her cheeks like some grandma.
"Hey Y/n, Joey leave her alone you are such a weirdo."

    Y/n skipped in between the two boys like a little girl. They found it wholesome and were secretly dying inside because of how cute she was being. Y/n stared at a shop and pointed at it. "There, that place has date clothes."
"Date clothes?" Tristin chuckled.
"Yeah whatever let's go!"

    The three of them explored with y/n, she was very interested in the clothing while the two boys just stood around acting bored.
"Aw come on, at least help me find something, go on an adventure." Y/n smiled.
"Alright then, but I'm warning you us boys are not very good with fashion." Tristin reminded, turning his sight to Joey trying to avoid stepping on the cracks on the tile floor.

    While y/n was panicking on what to get, Joey hiding behind a circle of clothes, he was stupid.
"Joey, get out of there."
"No, it's my hideout."
"Joey I'm going to murder you if you don't-"
"Uhm..hello." A random pretty girl nervously played with her hands. "Excuse me.."
"Oh crap sorry, it's just my friend here. He sucks." Tristin shook his head, pulling Joey out aggressively with one arm.

    While Tristin was dragging Joey, the blond felt as if he has seen this girl before. There was something about her, something bad.
"Joey stop staring at that girl, what do you like her?"
"I'd rather die, but dere's something off bout her..."
"Oh is it love?"
"I hate ya."

    When he turned his back, the girl frantically looked for something she looked good in. She was throwing clothes all over the floor, all of them were the ones she didn't like. An employee looked around to see if there was any trouble and spotted Lexi having some fit.
"Hey is there something specific you're looking-"
"A disguise! Change my appearance anything! Find me something that will make all men fall beneath me."
"Uhm....okay...well how about this nice dress, the stitching is-"
"Not good enough!" Lexi crossed her arms.

"Find me something nice! Now!" Lexi glared.
"Bitch shut the fuck up and let me speak or you ain't gonna find anything! Shut up!"
"Good, now follow me to the dressing room please."

    Lexi sighed and nearly tripped when someone bumped into her. "Alex?" She blinked. "You're late."
"Sorry sorry, I was doing something but now I'm here, so you need disguises?"
"Mhm, you need one too but you have to judge my clothing."
"Alright fine." He stuck his hands in his pockets. He sat down on a bench outside the dressing room playing on his phone.

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