Chapter 6: Together

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Tea sat up from bed with atrocious thoughts lingering in her mind. The thought of Yami clouded her head soon after she stretched. She took her morning shower feeling sick to her stomach when she thought about last night. She felt the guilt both physically and mentally. The pressure made her vomit, she held her hair back so it wouldn't touch her throw up and tears. She eyes the mirror, hating what she sees instantly. As she dried herself she refused to look in the mirror. She was angry and y/n and herself, how could Yami possibly find someone better then her of all people?

She roamed through her liquor cabinet finding vodka on the second shelf. She refrained herself from choosing such a strong drink, she ended up closing the cabinet to drink the bud light from her refrigerator. She drank the whole can in one sip then threw it against the wall. She needed time off from what was happening to her life. She wanted to see Yami though, not her friends. She forced herself out of her home straight to Yami's place hoping that his new 'girlfriend' wasn't there with him.

She dug her hands in her pockets not noticing a pole right in front of her. She bumped straight into it, making her pissy mood even worse. She kicked the pole to only feel the raging pain on her foot. She spat at the floor and kept going on her mission. She was minding her business when Alex soon crossed her mind. She took a look around to see Alex leaning against the wall trying to smoke a cigarette.
Speak of the devil. She stomped to where Alex was at with a poker face. He dropped his cigarette and quickly put it out pretending like nothing happened.

"Oh hey, Tea."
"You were smoking it wrong by the way, idiot."
"Sorry." He pouted.

Tea rolled her eyes wondering how on earth he got that cigarette. She leaned back with ease taking out her phone. Alex was left wondering why she would want to talk to him. They were over right? They just hooked up one time. Tea stared straight at him and sighed.
"Listen, you don't seem like an ass and I don't have any other friends to talk to."
"Shut up."
"Listen princess I'm not listening to some girl rant about her love life. I have a lot on my plate right now."
"Well I'm sorry if I'm trying to use Yami's idea to get over someone.."
"He talks to other girls and befriends them to get over people? My poor y/n."

"Whatever..see you later."
"Mhm. Oh and by the way you shouldn't go to your ex boyfriends place. I tried it, didn't go well."

Tea ignored his warning still desperate to see Yami. She tightened her grip on her phone when her eyes gazed at Yami's apartment number. She knocked three times desperately, maybe another knock was included. She waited a few seconds before the door opened revealing Yami's face. He was happy but when he figured out it wasn't someone else, he frowned.

"Hey. Can we talk?"

Yami played with his thumb before gazing into Tea's eyes. Oh how he missed them. He shook his head while face palming calmly. Tea noticed his posture and smiled when a memory hit her. She would always correct Yami's posture, he only had it bad when he was feeling horrible. He was feeling horrible, so that gave Tea a hint that he obviously missed her too. She placed her hand on his back causing him to flinch while she chuckled.

"Posture Yami." She grinned.

Yami stood shocked for a second before turning his head. "I have to go." He mumbled. Tea placed her hand on her hip and leaned her head forward. Yami straightened his arms beside his body when he heard Tea grunt. "Tsk Tsk. Where are you going?" She raised a brow. Yami stood his ground and took a deep breath. "The gym."

Ouch. Tea felt her heart sink knowing that she was the cause on why Yami felt insecure. Tea nervously played with her hair before getting an idea. "How about...we both go together."
Yami looked at the floor, despite his morning already being ruined, he wanted to go. So badly. Tea slapped y/n though. He couldn't.
He leaned against the wall while shaking his head no.
"Sorry Tea. It's my only escape...other then something else." He went to close the door but Tea placed her foot in the way.

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