Chapter 9: Argument

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    Joey choked on his own drool, feeling the burn in his throat he coughed as he sat up. Yugi and Tristin were awake too, and were already making coffee for the others. "Nice to see you awake puppy." Tristin said as he poured his coffee. Joey mumbled something under his breath before Yugi told him to wake up the other two. Joey rolled his eyes thinking that he was some slave, but he didn't want to argue so early in the morning. By early, it's actually 1 PM. He limped to y/n's room, and when he opened the door he gently kicked Yami in his sleep.

"Get up buddy.." Joey yawned. "The others are making toast."
"Alright...I'm up...ill wake up y/n I don't trust you."

    When Joey left the room, Yami hopped onto the side of her bed. He shook her slowly, hoping that was enough to wake her up. She muttered something in her sleep before turning around to switch positions. When she was facing Yami's direction he almost cried from how cute she was. Yami admired her closely, and placed one of her bangs that were covering her face behind her ear. He felt his body growing warm from just imagining himself cuddling up against her soft body. How her hot breath blows on his chest, oh she wraps one leg around his waist creating friction when she rubs his side with her leg...then she would rock her hips against his NO!

    He smacked himself in the face, apologizing a thousand times to her in his mind. Well as long as he didn't touch her, it was okay to fantasize....
"Y/n wake up."

    He felt his temperature rise, she was dreaming of him. He listened closely to her delicate voice, she was saying such.....funny statements. " so...stupid....I'm going to plan war....and Duke will be commander.."
"Duke?...whaaaa?" Yami chuckled.
"Yami...Oh god.." She said. Yami felt his face flush, his breath grew heavier, what was she dreaming of?
"Yami...Yami dont you....will it fit?"

    Yami covered his mouth, and placed his hand above his lap. "God.." Yami said, "I'm such a pervert.."
"Yami...Wow, you're getting there...yes Yami...Yes.....oh my god..."
"Y/n! WAKE UP!"
"AHHH!" Y/n sat straight up, her heart beat at max. "What was that for????"
"You were talking in your sleep...what were you...dreaming of?"
"Oh, it was weird, I had a dream where I couldn't put the batteries into my remote because I thought it was too big but then you helped me or something. It just would not fit..."
"A-are you sure?"
"Yep! Now..I smell food!"

Yami was left on the bed to think, he promised that he would punish himself when he goes to the gym today. Y/n sat across Yami on the table, happily eating her food. 'Wow~Yugi this is so good. Teach me!" Y/n hummed from the taste of her omelet. Yami just stared at her until he was elbowed softly by Tristin. Tristin gave a playful smirk, while Yami stared blankly for a second before giving an expression of misunderstanding.

    Yami pouted like a child while enjoying his meal

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Yami pouted like a child while enjoying his meal. His mind went to Alex in how he texted y/n last night. He had no clue if he should tell her or not. Telling her would mean her day might be ruined, not telling her will make him feel untrustworthy. Again...if he told her then theres a chance she will want to meet up with him and then become friends. Oh god...what if she falls for him all over again and then she forgets all about Yami then her and Alex get a house, three children, and two dogs named fluffy and spots! Yami will be alone! Oh god!.....
"Yami you seem tense." Yugi noticed, he dropped his fork on his plate. "Are you okay?"
"....whaaaa?" Joey said with his mouth full. "What are ya talkin about?"

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