Chapter 14: ooh ooh ah ah

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"You're dating Y/n?"
"If you don't mind." Yami rubbed his neck. Judging that Tristin was as close to her as Yami, he needed the 'best friend' approval. Tristin's mouth gaped open, and he blinked a couple times before screaming in public. "DUDE SERIOUSLY? FINALLY! WOOOHOO!"
Tristin began to text all of his friends the news making Yami chuckle nervously. "It's not...that big a deal..." Yami blushed.
"I'm right here!" Lexi reminded.
"Oh yeah, uh, hey chick listen, Yami doesn't date fan girls. Uh, bye." Tristin dragged Yami out of there, but Lexi followed.
"Dude get a restraining order on this girl." Tristin sweat dropped.
"I sometimes think about that."

"We'll just pretend she isn't there, just talk to me normally. Look a cafe! Come on!"

The two sat down knocking down the third chair that was at their table. Lexi picked it up and sat down trying to engage in the conversation.

"Dude what happened? How did you ask her her out?"
"Spin the bottle went crazy.." 👉👈.
"You said that nothing happened."
"To protect Tea's feelings, we had to."

"Tea?" Lexi questioned. But the boys ignored her. "Wait Tea Gardner? She's your ex?"
"So you guys made out? Even when the timer stopped?" Tristin stood up from his chair excitedly. "Tell me!"
"It was incredible...I'd love to do it again." Yami sighed dreamily, "She was so cute!"
"I'm leaving." Lexi took her purse.
"So when are you taking her out?" Tristin ignored her.
"I didn't even think about that...I just asked her to be my girlfriend..."
"Woah! You guys are moving pretty fast, slow down."
"I know I know, but I can't help myself she's so cute..."

"Okay, you need to take her on a date tonight, or tomorrow. Take her to dinner."
"No, one time I asked her what her ideal date was and she said dinner would be off limits because she doesn't like to talk while eating."
"Wow dude, you memorized that? How long ago?"
"Like a few weeks ago."
"Damn, well where do you want to take her?"
"A walk in the park, the arcade, walking around the town. She likes to move around a lot."
"That's great!"

Meanwhile, Lexi was thinking about why Tea kept this from her. She arrived and knocked harshly on Tea's door. She opened it while yawning. "Hm? Lexi..?" She rubbed her eyes. "So early..."
"What do you know about Yami?"
"H-huh?...sorry I didn't spill the beans, he's my ex. We're cool now so-hey!"

Lexi shoved herself in her home, looking around for any pictures. Tea crossed her arms wondering if she was looking for something. Lexi noticed pictures on the wall of Yami and Tea. She forgot to put them down since they were no longer together. "So you used to date him?"
"Yeah? Why."
"How did you make him fall for you?"
"Uhm, excuse me?"
"Please! You and I both hate y/n, if we can somehow-"
"No." Tea rolled her eyes.

"No what?"
"No I'm not helping you split them apart. I just redeemed myself and I'm not losing them as friends."
"Yami likes y/n, thats final. They haven't even started dating yet and you want to ruin things? Get out."
" don't know?"

Tea rolled her eyes. "Leave."
"Fine. Ill just have to pull them apart myself."
The door slammed shut leaving Tea all alone. "She needs to go to therapy.."

Lexi bounced around the thought of splitting them up. She had to act fast before they get way too way to attached. What could she possibly do though? She can't make Yami fall for her, but if she cant have him then no one can. A misunderstanding will decrease their trust for one another. Causing their breakup. One of them would have to walk in at the wrong time. Grinning, she started writing her plan in her notes.

Yami was finished speaking to Tristin, and all his friends were very excited for him. As he got back, he got a text from his girlfriend.
Y/n: hewwo
Yami: hey princess, I actually wanted to ask u on a date? Maybe take things more slow😅
Y/n: yeah sure! When?
Yami: Tomorrow?
Y/n: Im free, I have no life anyways.😂 but uhhh can u pwease come bak to house 🥺
Yami: would love to. be there soon
The girl was ecstatic, jumping on the bed and squealing. Throwing her phone on the bed, she went to get a snack.
"I'm dating Yami, I'm dating Yami!"
She wanted to look good for Yami, but she was at home so she tried looking like her usual self. She wore her favorite skirt with leggings. And a cute tank top. Her hair was perfect as always, as for the new makeup she had gotten for her birthday....she was not going to wear it. She didn't know how to apply it, so she would not be taking any chances showing Yami a face full of paint. Once she gets some practice and perfects it, then she will consider wearing it.
She was lost in thought, then she received a notification. It must be Yami again, so she picked up her phone so fast she almost dropped it. It was on her instagram though, and when she tapped on her DM's her heart stopped. Alex was back, and texting again. The fear slowly rises by each message he typed.
Alex: This is not over.
Alex: I'm going to find you. I know where you live baby.
Alex: I won't be so nice, and I won't waste any time.
Alex: I'm coming to your house, I'm not saying when but I will be there.
Y/n: please leave me alone! I'm sorry! Please ill call the cops!
Alex: Go ahead. They can't catch me.
Alex blocked her number without saying anything else. Y/n's mind screamed for Yami to hold her in his arms saying that everything will be okay. She was surely going to tell Yami about it, since there shouldn't be secrets in a relationship. She hated being paranoid, what if Alex was coming right now? What if he's at the door right now waiting to pounce? What if he-
There was knocking on the door, making Y/n gasp and scream for a second.
"Y/n?!" Yami knocked harder thinking that she was getting harmed.

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