Chapter 12: I cANt CoMe uP WiTh A title!

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"Sorry I took so long girl." Tea said. "This guy is great at hiding."
"Tea! What the hell?" Alex grunted. "Why are you here?"
"Well, girl's got to look out for each other."
"I..I thought you hated me."
"I came here to pay you back, for not telling Yami about our confrontation at the store..."

"I trusted you! You said you were going to help me put her in my car!"
"Yeah well I'm allowed to change my mind you know..."
"...that's fine...that's okay.." Alex laughed. "Girl power. How cute."
"I may be a girl but I can kick some ass." Tea raised her fists.
"Listen, if you let me take y/n, then nothing will happen to you." Alex suggested.
"Fuck you.."
"Bitch!" Alex tried throwing a punch but Tea dodged it easily.
"Learn from this girl." Tea yelled. "I won't lie, you're pretty, so you gotta learn to defend yourself from creeps!"

Tea punched Alex straight in the nose, he stumbled back. He tried again, and again, and again. Tea would hurt harder each time, he fell on top of something wooden. He felt around and smirked, "The gods are on my side..." Alex gripped the bat.
"NO!" Y/n yelled.
"That's...cheating..." Tea stepped back.

Alex hit Tea right in the face, she tried to block it but it was impossible. She was thrown to the ground a second time after trying to dodge it, then she failed again, and again, and again. "Stop! You're going to kill her Alex!"
"AHHH!" Tea yelled in pain.
"Who cares? Fuck this bitch to hell!"
"PLEASE! DONT HURT HER!" Y/n tried prying him off but he punched y/n in the face, forcing her to fall.
"Alright ill cut her a break, I knocked her out. But no promises she might live, she's bleeding a lot."

Alex smirked, y/n noticed what he was planning so she tried running away but was kicked to the floor harshly.
"That's what I love about you baby, you're always so NICE!" He kicked her on 'nice'
Alex continued, "I just LOVE you." He kicked again, at 'love'
"Oh y/n, I LOVE you SO much, and I HOPE we CAN be TOGETHER FOREVER!"

Y/n's body relaxed itself, now knowing that she has given up. She's tired...all she wants to do it curl up in bed. She doesn't feel like running, she doesn't feel like dealing with heartbreak, she's exhausted, mentally and physically. She doesn't want to do anything anymore, she is truly tired. She was rolled on her back, facing Alex.

His grin was terrifying, but y/n couldn't do anything...She cried. Oh she cried. Alex ignored it, and decided to tease himself first.
He pinned her hands above her head to remove her sweater. She didn't struggle, she was being a 'good girl.'
Alex smiled at the breath taking view, her dress was cute. He stood on his knees and placed both hands on her sides. Her hands were not pinned by his, they were just resting. Alex rubbed her sides with his large hands, growing more excited. His hand went up her skirt, resting on her thigh. He was near paradise...
"Anything you want to say?" He smiled.

Y/n had nothing, but she guessed she had to.

"Please.....let me go....." She cried.
"I said-GAHHHHH!"

Yami punched the back of his head as hard as he could, Alex fell on the ground seeing stars. Yami's fist shook seeing Y/n's skirt lifted. "Yami?..." Y/n blushed.
Yami adjusted her skirt above her black panties, gently lifting her back up. There was a scar on her leg, bruised cheek, busted lip.
He noticed his ex lying on the floor, knocked out. "She tried saving me." Y/n smiled.
"...I see that." Yami's voice was hoarse.

Look at the damage he's done. To y/n. His little y/n. Yami's body shook with rage, he eyed Alex who was trying to get away but his leg was pulled back. Yami stood above him...and beat the living hell out of him. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO HER!" He yelled, throwing harsh punches, breaking his nose. "I WARNED YOU!" Yami cried as he hit the skull harshly, he heard a crack. Yami's knuckles were bleeding and bruised but all he could focus on was Alex's punishment.

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