Chapter 16: OwO WOAH

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She felt dizzy, so light-headed. It's like all the blood was now traveling up to her head. Her eyes adjusted to the sudden light of the room, she inspected it furthermore until she went to wipe her eyes. She couldn't though, as if someone was holding her back. That's when she heard the shackles that were lightly hitting the wall, giving off an unsettling echo throughout the room. Y/n used much more force on her hands, but it was impossible to move any other limb because it was all restrained.

Y/n began to worry now. She was starting to panic as soon as she realized that this was someone's basement. Y/n shook her head praying that it was a dream. The chair was very uncomfortable, and the chains were so tight it hurt. Especially the restraint around her waist, it was far too tight for her liking. She could barely breathe and knowing that she was kidnapped could only make her feel worse.
"Y/n." Alex smiled sincerely. "Are you comfortable?"

She couldn't yell at him, she was afraid of being beaten or touched in any way. She gulped before speaking as calmly as possible, "It's a little tight around my waist-"
"Then lose weight!" Alex slammed his hand on the table. Y/n shook in fear, big eyes began to tear up from the sudden frustration. Alex sat down and munched away on his meal, turning on a lamp to reveal his desk that was hidden in the dark. Y/n watched Alex eat his cereal in a disgusting way, he looked up and their eyes met. "You have pretty eyes." Alex smiled, wanting to start a conversation.
"T-thank you...."
"So Y/n...are you in love with this Yami fellow?"
"Really? Why is that?" He balled up his fists.

"I if he did hurt me there had to be a reason...he isn't like that...even with those pictures.." Y/n mumbled the last part.
"Y/n you wasted so many kisses with him, not even I kissed you that much when we were together." Alex sighed.

The room went silent, it was unsettling because the vent was very loud. Alex finished up, walking towards her. He placed his hands on her lap, rubbing them harshly before traveling up her leg. She shuddered, the fear now obviously showing. "Y/n, may I see what's under your skirt, I hadn't had a chance to see what color you wore today."
"You have two choices. Let me see and ill be done, struggle, and ill make things worse for you."
"W-worse for me?"
"I'll go deeper than just your panties Y/n."
"Then let me see them!"

    Alex tried to remove her shirt, she screamed and bit down on his arm as hard as she could. He winced in pain then proceeded to slap her.
She bit his finger and punched her straight on the stomach. "Gah..." She coughed.
"It's bleeding!" Alex inspected his hand carefully, hoping it was infected or something.

"W-where am I? Y/n asked.
"Oh. Well, I bought a house so that I can keep you here. An apartment doesn't have a basement you know." Alex chuckled. "We are going to live life here...enjoy it."
He left the room going upstairs. Closing the door loudly. "You can't keep me in here!" She yelled, but no answer. "Help! Please!"

During this***

Yami knocked on her door multiple times praying for an answer. Nobody replied. He called each of his friends to ask if they have seen her, they all said no but were very worried.

"What happened?" Yugi asked concerned.
"Some girl kissed me out of nowhere and she walked in at the wrong I look bad and..." Yami sobbed, sliding down the wall.
"It's alright! She knows you so well, she tends to think irrationally at first. She's going to end up talking to you later Yami."
"Thank you, Yugi but that isn't the only thing I'm concerned with. Where could she be? It's dangerous at night especially for her, have you taken the time to acknowledge how pretty she is?"
"Can't disagree with you there. I'm sure she's fine, we can look for her tomorrow."
"She could be in danger Yugi! She can't wait until tomorrow!"

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