Chapter 13: BirthdayYYY!

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It was here, the day of y/n's birthday finally. She was setting up preparations for her little party. She was inviting all her friends, the gang, Mai, some others, and she was kind enough to offer an invitation to Tea since she got out of the hospital yesterday. Y/n was finished putting her ordered cake in the fridge hoping it wouldn't melt, her mouth watered from seeing such a large sweet on display. She heard a knock on the door and there appeared a tall brunette with a white suit. "Kaiba!" Y/n smiled.

He found y/n quite annoying, but he did admit one time that he liked being friends with her. She was adorable and to him she was like his little sister. "Hmp.." Seto pat her head handing her a gift. "Wow! I'm happy you didn't offer me a helicopter like the last time. Thank you!"
"The offer still stands by the way." Kaiba crossed his arms. His mad expression wasn't scary to y/n at all, she somehow could tell if Seto was happy or not even with his stupid face. "Come in! It's been a while Kaiba!"
"Seto would be fine. It is your birthday after all.." He said looking around. "Are you sure you don't want me buying you a better house?"
"Money isn't everything Seto!" She hugged him. Seto rolled his eyes but secretly smiled.

"EYYYYY YOOOO!" Joey slid past the open door crashing into a stranger that was passing by. "Sorry!"
"Of course this idiot would do something like this..." Seto grunted.
"Shut it will ya rich boy!" Joey pouted. "Ey y/n! Happy birthday!" Joey tossed the gift carelessly, y/n had a feeling the present was heavy so she gulped. Seto caught it with one hand, ready to pummel Joey to the ground. "I'm not going to hurt you, come here." Seto cracked his knuckles. "AHHHH!"

    "What the..." Tristin looked around noticing the brunette chase the blond. "I'm not going to ask. Happy birthday y/n!" Tristin went to hug her, but Joey crashed straight into her. "I didn't give her a birthday hug get away!" Joey hissed. "Joey you stink she hates you." Seto said.
"Happy birthday y/n!" Joey rubbed his cheek against hers. "AW YOU'RE SO PRECIOUS!"
"Jooeeyy..." Y/n whined.
"Happy birthday buddy." Tristin hugged her NORMALLY.
Yugi ran up to the door panting while supporting himself on his knees, "Guys, I told you to...wait!" Yugi caught his breath and smiled warmly. "Happy birthday!" Another hug was given.

    Mai, Serenity, Duke and Rebecca came along soon after. Tea appeared at the door, everyone went quiet when they saw her shake nervously with a gift in hand. "I...I..." Tea gulped.
"Hey Tea! Glad you can make it! Come in!" Y/n held her hand guiding her inside.
"Ya redeemed yourself, join us!" Joey smiled.

    Now that everyone was here, there was one person left. Yami. The others were talking, and Y/n was getting a little impatient. Maybe he wasn't coming at all. He was 10 minutes late, and he wasn't answering his texts or calls. "I guess Yami couldn't make it..." Y/n sighed.
"Maybe he's busy, don't feel bad! Let's have fun!" Tristin pat her back.

    Where was Yami? Well, he was breaking the speed limit. He had overslept because he spent all night finding the perfect gift. He didn't exactly find something that was best for y/n, but he couldn't go to the party empty handed. Yami parked his car, running up to her apartment. He heard the t.v playing from inside. When he knocked, not even finishing the third knock he was pulled in.
"Yami..!" Duke whisper shouted. "Dude, what took you so long?"
"I'm only 10 minutes late..." Yami scratched his head.
"I know but to y/n it probably felt like 10 years."

    "Y/n! Look who's here!" Mai smirked. Y/n came out of her kitchen with popsicle in her hand, she looked sad but she beamed with joy seeing him stand there. "Yami!" She leaped hugging him dramatically making the others question why their hugs sucked, other then Serenity, she liked her hug. "I thought you weren't coming."
"Why on earth would I miss your birthday without telling you?"
"You weren't answering your texts."
"My phone was on silent sorry." Yami ruffled her hair.
"Well you ARE here now! We were waiting for you so we can get to the fun stuff!"

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