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He proposed to you after that night. You got married soon after. That was the last time he ever showed any type of love or affection towards you. That was the last time he ever showed you he cared.

"Where are you going?" you ran up to him as he headed for the front door. You grabbed his arm, stopping him from leaving. He sighed, annoyed and turned around to face you.

"Do I have to fucking tell you where i'm going? It's none of your damn business." he spat out at you and roughly moved your hand off of his. You felt small under his cold, emotionless stare.

His words only made you feel worse. There was no explanation as to why he acts this way towards you. You haven't done anything but be good to him. You loved him with all your heart. You took your hand and placed it back onto his.

"Taehyung, I don't understand. Please tell me what's going on." Tears stung at the back of your eyes. "Tell me what's wrong. Tell me what I can do to fix it. But please, please stop doing this and pushing me away." you pleaded.

"You want to know what's wrong?" You nod your head at him desperately, a little hope lingering in your eyes. "You." he deadpanned. "You're the problem. You're always the fucking problem." He yanks his hand out of yours once again and walks out, not forgetting to slam the door on his way.

You could have sworn you heard your heart shattering at his words. There were no words that could ever describe how you felt at the moment. Your whole world was snatched away, only darkness remained.

You've been with him for as long as you can remember. You loved him so much. He was the man you loved the most, but also was the man who hurt you the most. He no longer looked at you lovingly, or gave you hugs and kisses. He was an entirely different man. He wasn't the same Taehyung you knew all these years.

He never acted like your husband. He barely even looked at you anymore. It was like you were invisible to him.

You knew exactly where he was going right now. He's been sleeping with the secretary and he doesn't even bother trying to hide it. He has no shame. But no matter what he does and how bad he hurts you, you wouldn't dare leave him. You still had hope. You still love him with all of your heart and soul. It's not time to give up on him yet.

Tearing your gaze away from the door, you made your way to your bed. The bed you once shared with Taehyung. After his change of heart, you always slept alone in the cold sheets. Even if he did make his way back home one night, he would never find his way back under the covers next to you.

You flip over to bury your face in your pillow, feeling all of your emotions pile onto you at once. A muffled scream escapes your mouth, echoing through the empty apartment. All you could do was yell at yourself for putting yourself through this emotional pain.

But you didn't understand. No matter how many other women he slept or flirted with will change your love for him. There was no way he couldn't feel the same way back. Hell, he married you. Why else would he marry you if he didn't love you. You spent years together. You were high school sweethearts. There's just no way he married you for shits and giggles.

Horrible thoughts raced in your head as you drifted off to sleep.

You woke up in the morning, alone like always. You did your morning routine, alone. And you drove yourself to the office, alone.

Walking into the building, you greeted everyone before making your way to your office. You sat down at your desk and powered on the desktop, immediately getting to work. After losing track of time, your working streak was interrupted by a sudden knock at the office door.

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