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"Hyung, I thought you talked to Taehyung!" Jungkook whisper-yelled at Jimin. Before Jimin could turn and say something, a loud 'shushing' noise came from the teachers mouth. Both boys immediately got back to their work.

The day flew by and lunchtime quickly came around. Since Taehyung was absent, Y/N made sure to get Jimin his food and what he needed along with Jungkook whom she normally takes care of.

Y/N munched on some chips while Jungkook was slurping up his second bowl of ramen. Meanwhile, Jimin's noodles went cold. He occasionally took a bite or two but for the most part, he didn't touch them.

Jimin's mind was racing with worries. He was worried for Y/N's mental health and Taehyung's anger issues. Jimin knew what Y/N was up to. It was so obvious to him.

She was trying to get Taehyung's attention. She's trying to prove to him that she's worthy and attractive. She's lost and she's hurting, anyone could see that. But the Y/N that Jimin knows would never dress like that if something wasn't wrong. She's not okay and Jimin practically blames himself for it.

Jimin silently watched as Jungkook and Y/N conversed about random things. Y/N looked happy talking to him but everyone knew that was far from the truth.

. . .

"Taehyung, it's time to stop." Jimin huffs at Taehyung who looks all but interested. "Stop what?" he quickly fires back, tilting his head. Jimin scoffs.

"This!" Jimin points his finger at Taehyung's neck which is covered in hickeys and lipstick marks. "All of this has to fucking stop. You're hurting her!" Jimin's anger rises by the second.

Something flashes in Taehyung's eyes and suddenly Jimin is being pushed harshly by Taehyung's large hands. The impact on his chest causes him to stumble back and struggle to regain a steady breath.

"She hurt me first!" Taehyung roars, pointing at himself with his index finger. "and you did too." the finger now pointing at Jimin.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be." Taehyung quickly regains his composure and turns around, trying to head back up to the hotel room that he's been staying in.

"I'm not finished, you need to listen to me!" Jimin yells back, just as loud. Taehyung rolls his eyes. "Why the hell should I listen to you? Huh?"

"Because you're hurting her for no reason! You misunderstood-" Jimin was cut off. "What is there to misunderstand?! You tried getting with Y/N, and she didn't stop you. You guys fucking liked each other." Taehyung begins to ramble, expression full of hurt.

"I saw the way you looked at her, the way you fucking looked at her when she was walking down that isle at OUR wedding day." Jimin was lost. Was Taehyung jealous? All of this because of jealousy??

"Taehyung, she's like my little sister. You know I don't see her that way!" Jimin quickly fired back, shutting down Taehyung's claims. "Bullshit." he responds with a roll of his eyes.

"Admit it, you were trying to mess with her while she was with me weren't you. Have you fucked her yet, huh? Did she lie to you and tell you she loves you just how she lied to me? Did she Jimin?!"  Taehyung's words got louder and louder, passerbys looking at the two boys as if they were crazy.

"No! She loves you Taehyung! How many times does she have to tell you that to get it through that thick skull of yours?" Jimin taps his finger at Taehyung's forehead but he quickly swats it away.

"She doesn't love me, Jimin-ah." Taehyung stated matter-of-factly and Jimin almost explodes. Taehyung's dense behavior doesn't make sense.

"So you cheated on her? You're making her suffer every night just because you're insecure?! She didn't do anything wrong." Jimin concludes and Taehyung rolls his head back, irritated.

"She told me she loved me when I know she never did. You turned your back on me by catching feelings for her." Taehyung said and he genuinely looked broken. Almost as broken as Y/N.

"Taehyung, I told you she loves you and I love her as a sister. I could never love her more than that because i'm-" Jimin cuts his own words off, unable to speak.

"Because you're what Jimin?"  Taehyung crosses his arms across his chest. He stares at Jimin who's got his eyes closed and his breathing is faster than normal. After waiting for Jimin to speak, Taehyung came to his pained conclusion. "Exactly. You can have he-"

"It's because I'm gay, Taehyung."

Jimin snaps open his eyes after revealing his biggest secret to his once brotherly best friend. Taehyung's eyes go as wide as plates as he takes in this newfound information.

"It's why I left and it's also why I came back." Jimin adds. He would go on to explain further but he would have to enter one of the darkest parts of his life so he stayed quiet. "I love her as a sister, Taehyung. Please understand that."

Taehyung takes a few moments to process this. He blinks a couple of times before speaking. "No way." he mumbles, in denial.

"You? Park fucking Jimin? Gay?" he asks like it's the most foreign thing to ever be said out of someones mouth. "You expect me to believe that, Park?" he deadpanned and Jimin releases a noise in frustration. "I just told you the biggest secret of my life and you think i'm lying?"

"You've been with more females than I have, you seriously think i'm supposed to believe that? No. No fucking way." Taehyung starts to walk away.

"Stop making excuses." he finally says and leaves Jimin standing alone, chest heaving with pure anger and regret. 

. . .

"Jiminie?" a voice calls out and Jimin snaps himself back into reality. His looks up to see Y/N and Jungkook standing in front of him. "Jiminie, are you alright?" Y/N asks again.

"Yeah, i'm fine." he says, swallowing the lump his throat. "Is it time to go already?" Y/N nods and he stands up with his bowl of cold ramen. "Hyung are you gonna eat that?" Jungkook asks.

"No and neither are you." Jimin answers, tossing the noodles in the trash. Jungkook whines at Jimin's actions but the trio continues the final end of the day.

Y/N's mood gradually starts to deflate, knowing she has to return home to her house of sorrows. While walking the two boys to her car, she quickly thinks of something that would distract her and keep her from occupying horrible thoughts when alone.

"Why don't you guys come over to my place?" she speaks and they both stop walking when they hear her sudden suggestion.

Jimin looks at Y/N wearily but before he could even react, Jungkook spoke up. "Sure noona!" and with that he happily skips to her car and jumps in the back seat.

Jimin doesn't feel right about this.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

ooooo drama is boiling!

hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading :)

my eyes are sore from crying so much at the boy's performance of Your Eyes Tell, it's such a beautiful song and Jungkook really put his heart into composing and writing the lyrics.

stay tuned!!

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