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"You're lucky I didn't kill your ass. I still want to murder you with my bare hands but Y/N here will throw a hissy fit." Yoongi hisses at Taehyung who's currently out with Y/N and her cousin as they drive to their first therapy session.

Y/N sighs in the front seat as Yoongi parks the car and everyone gets out. She's super nervous because these sessions could go one way or another but either way, the couple was sure enough that they loved each other, therapist or not.

"I'll wait out here." Yoongi sits right outside the office as Taehyung and Y/N enter. They are greeted by an older woman who asks them to take a seat on the small sofa.

"Thank you guys for coming. My name is Han Yeseul but please, feel free to just call me by my first name. I would like for you to feel comfortable here." she explains. Taehyung already feels cozy and warm but Y/N still feels nervous. She doesn't want to open up with the risks of being judged. "May you introduce yourselves?"

The couple nod at the same time and Taehyung decides to speak first. "I'm Kim Taehyung, nice meeting you." he dips his head down to bow. "Kim Y/N." she bows as well but her voice comes out low and small, still scared.

The therapist notices right away but she decides to address that later, opting to give Y/N a warm smile instead. "Let's get right into it, okay?" she clasps her hands together and pulls out a notepad. "I'll start with you first Taehyung-ah. "Are you happy in your marriage?" she asks and Taehyung doesn't hesitate to answer.

"Yes. We just went through a few rough times but right now I'm happy as long as she's happy." he answers and Yeseul nods, writing something down before speaking. "I assume that this is the same for you?" she points the tip of her pen at Y/N as she nods.

After writing something down for a few seconds, she asks a question that has the both of them tensing up. "What rough time did you two go through?" she questioned and immediately noticed the change in the atmosphere. "Ah, let's start from the beginning and break it down from there. This is effective to sort things out."

"I cheated on her." Taehyung gulps, owning up to his past mistakes. Yeseul raises her eyes brows and nods while writing, quietly telling him to go on. "I assumed that her and my best friend were doing things behind my back and i- i got jealous and took my anger out on her and slept with other women."

"Were you satisfied when you slept with other people?" she asks and Taehyung quickly shakes his head. "No, I was always thinking of her. I knew that I was hurting her bu-but I just let my ego get in the way.

Yeseul nods and looks at Y/N with a soft gaze. "How did you feel about all of that?" Y/N bites her bottom lip, hard enough to pierce through the skin. She has go to back to one of the many dark moments of her life, it hurts.

"I thought I wasn't good enough. I was confused." she keeps her answer short while holding back tears that began to form. She doesn't want to cry, not right now.

They talk and talk and Yeseul eventually gets Y/N to open up. She spilled out all of her feelings and emotions, some tears spilling out as well. She spills and spills until they get to the part where she cheated.

"After the situation with the mistress, how did you cope?" the therapist asks and the tension returns. "I-I cheated." she mumbles but Yeseul understands and surprisingly, she hasn't judged Y/N yet which eases her a bit.

"I drank myself to death and got with the trainee i'm close to. And apparently he loves me now, I hurt him too." she tries not to cry any more but she can't help the guilt.

Yeseul asks Taehyung about how he feels this time around. "I felt the same way Y/N did I when I cheated on her, but I deserved it." he explains and Y/N opens her mouth to interject but he continues. "I deserved to feel like she did because it wouldn't have happened if it weren't for me in the first place."

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