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Y/N refuses to make the same mistakes she made in the past by waiting to talk to someone about her problems. This is why she goes to the first person that came to mind when she found herself stumbling across the problem.

"Y/N? Is everything okay? Do you need something?" Namjoon begins to ramble and slightly panic at her sudden rare appearance. He remembers telling her that he'll be there if anything is wrong and she needs help so when he sees her standing outside his room door with a frown on her face, he grows worried.

"I just need to talk to you about something." even her tone is alarming to him. Namjoon steps out of the way and lets the girl in his room, shutting the door but not all the way. "What's wrong?" he asks after she takes a seat on the small ottoman at the foot of his bed. He doesn't bother to sit since he's too worried to do so.

"I'm scared." she starts and Namjoon's eyes soften. "I'm scared that i'm going to lose Jungkook after he debuts. I don't want to lose him, Joon." her eyes water a little bit and Namjoon understands what she's worried about immediately as this topic flashed briefly across his mind at one point as well. "What happens when he gets famous and Taehyung and I won't see him again?"

Namjoon sits down in front of her so that he's eye to eye with her. He gives her a warm smile that has her a little confused. What is there to smile about?

"You don't have to worry about that, Y/N. You're still his manager so you would have to be around him 24/7 regardless of the circumstances." he explains and Y/N feels like a weight is being lifted off her chest until another thought comes to mind, slamming that weight right back on her. "But what about Taehyung? He's not Jimin's manager anymore since he's not a trainee." she pouts even more.

Namjoon looks down at his lap, trying to think of a quick solution. His brain compares Y/N situation to Jimin's and he understands that they are somewhat similar which means the solution to the problem is no different. He looks up from his lap and puts on another smile. "You don't have to worry about that either."

Y/N looks at him confused once again. "Well, you're named as a producer under Yoongi-Hyung's mixtape. Why don't you just officially become one? That way, Taehyung could fill your spot as manager."

She doesn't really like the idea of becoming a producer but she also hates the idea of possibly losing someone she loves. "Like you?" she asks and Namjoon nods. "I don't really know how to use that software stuff."

"You'll be okay. It's easy once you get the hang of it. Music runs in your family anyway. Really Y/N, you don't have to worry about this. It's gonna be okay." His words give her a warm feeling of assurance. "I'll run it by Yoongi and your position should be changed by the end of this week, same with Taehyung. Alright?" Y/N nods and thanks him with a hug.

Namjoon stuck to his word and Y/N was in her own studio in no time. For the next few weeks, she explored and learned how to use the many software and she even took a chance at producing her own song for practice. Taehyung was happy with the arrangement Namjoon made and most importantly, so was Jungkook. Everything was working out perfectly.

. . .

The day for Jungkook's debut approached quicker than anyone had expected. The final touches were made on his songs and he perfected his dance. It's currently the day before and Taehyung was out with Jungkook, taking him to the stylists to get his hair trimmed for the big day. When he was finished, the two decided to go and grab something to eat together since they knew Y/N was probably spending time at her new studio.

They sat across from each other, letting the silence take over them moth as they enjoyed the soup before them. Jungkook was overly excited to take on the stage for the first time and Taehyung stares and watches how the smile never leaves his face. He looks at him with so much fondness in his eyes and something else that he just can't put a finger on, until the words slip out of his mouth absentmindedly.

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