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The car ride home was filled with the most uncomfortable silence ever. Taehyung practically dragged you out of that meeting once it was over.

The whole meeting was awkward. The only ones who weren't so affected by the tension was Hoseok and the younger trainee, Jungkook.

The boy was so excited to become an idol and to be honest, you couldn't wait to work with him. But you didn't really get the chance to express your desire to become his manager because all you could focus on was how Taehyung and Jimin were eyeing each other down the whole time.

The other two didn't seem to notice the tension, but you sure did. Hoseok finished the meeting by giving both you and Taehyung your schedules for the assigned idols which began tomorrow. When the meeting was over, you could feel anger radiating off of Taehyung.

"C-Can we please see Yoongi before we go home?" you tried asking him. All you got in response was a nasty glare. It looked like his patience was hanging on by a thin thread, an almost nonexistent one at that. One pull and he would combust.

He parked the car and got out, leaving you behind. You followed behind and into your apartment where Taehyung's final thread of patience was finally cut loose. He threw the keys on the nearest table and turned around, facing you. He ran his hand through his curly dark hair and let out a humorless chuckle, sending shivers down your spine.

"You." he points his long slender finger in a patronizing way. "You fucking did this. All you had to do was keep your god damn mouth shut!" he spats, getting closer and louder with each painful word.

You stared back up at him, confused. What the hell did you do wrong now? "Oh don't try to look all innocent, you conniving bitch." you flinch at his choice of words. "You fucking got me to work here! And now I have to work with Jimin? Park fucking Jimin?!" he yells and says his 'best friend's' name with such disgust.

His furious and accusing words only gave you more and more confusion. Jimin hasn't done anything wrong, or at least nothing wrong that you're aware of. Hell, they haven't even seen each other since Jimin disappeared after the wedding.   

"You always do this." his voice now low, his breath fanning on your cheeks. You should be crying at this point. You should be on the floor, sobbing and being weak. But right now, the only emotion you felt was anger.

Anger was slowly rising up your body. You felt the need to be insubordinate, you saw red. "You always ruin sh-" you cut him off, rage and indignation finally getting the best of you.

"Then why did you fucking marry me, Taehyung?!" you screamed at him, pushing him in his chest causing him to stumble back. He looked up at you, shocked at your sudden outburst.

You always kept quiet when he scolded you. You always submitted to him and showed weakness, but that wasn't the case now. "Why did you marry me if you were just gonna neglect me the whole time, huh?"

You stepped forward where Taehyung stood frozen. Now it was your time to make him weak and make him feel puny. "Why do you treat me like shit. I fucking love you for gods sake!" Taehyung's eyes slightly widened but he rolled his eyes to cover it up.

"I still love you after what you put me through." your voice starts to lower as you go closer. Taehyung stared back down at you. You wished you could read his thoughts at this moment. You wished you could see what's going on in his head that caused him to change. "You weren't always like this, Tae." you whispered.

His lack of emotion and expression causes the anger to fuel through you once again. "Say something!" you fumed. Taehyung didn't move not one bit. "I love you! Why won't you just fucking love me like you vowed to do?" you stomped your foot on the floor in frustration, trying to make your words gather some sort of reaction from him.

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