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Taehyung paces back and forth stressfully around the bedroom. He takes a few short glances at the sleeping figure on the bed.

He's been doing this for about two hours now. He just can't bring himself to sleep after being so vulnerable and reckless with Y/N.

The heavy feeling of guilt, shame and regret finally began to weigh down on him. He stooped so damn low just because he was simply jealous, he was scared.

He was afraid of losing her. He was afraid that he wasn't good enough for her and she would find Jimin so much better than him.

He always watched as Jimin would crack a joke and Y/N would laugh like he had said the funniest thing in the world, no matter how corny the joke was. There were so many interactions between the two that Taehyung took as signs of affection. Taehyung's mind deemed that Y/N was better off with Jimin.

That day at the wedding was his last straw, seeing the way Jimin looked at his bride. He was so happy when he found out that Jimin had left town afterwards. But he was angry at him and more importantly, he was even angrier at his wife.

He was angry at his wife for causing him such pain and humiliation. She would tell him that she loved him but he took her words with a grain of salt. "She doesn't fucking love me." he would tell himself.

He wanted to hurt her back. He wanted her to feel every stab of agony and pain he felt in his heart. He didn't even bother to try talking it out with her, he just jumped to conclusions and let his arrogant and weak ego get the best of him. He truly felt betrayed by his best friend and the love of his life.

He shut her out and did the first thing that came to mind. He found a distraction,

Other women

He thought that other women would distract him from thinking about how much of a coward he was. He hurt her, he hurt her so bad but not once did she leave.

He couldn't process this fact in his brain. He knew how aware she was of his actions but she never bothered to leave him. She always tried and it hurt him to see how broken she looked when he would push her away. He would have sex with another woman to numb his pain like some sort of drug, and he became addicted.

Addicted to cheating.

When Jimin came out to him, he was in a state of shock. Of course he accepted it but his heart couldn't accept it. There was no way Jimin could be gay and be in love with his wife at the same time. And that was when he finally realized his mistake.

He truly fucked up and he hated himself for doing this. He was in a state of denial. He just couldn't believe that he did this to Y/N just because he was jealous and afraid to lose her. His hidden trait of over possessiveness revealed itself when he became afraid to see her happy with someone better than him. He hates himself.

The anger brewing in the pit of his stomach boils to a breaking point and he launches his fist at the wall. Before the skin and bones of his knuckles could make contact with the wall, he's interrupted by the sound of movement.

He turns around and finds Y/N stirring around in the sheets, still dressed in her lingerie. Her eyes flutter and open up before she blinks a few times and makes eye contact with Taehyung.

She slept off most of the alcohol by now so she's a bit more sober and aware of her actions and surroundings. She searches Taehyung's face and speaks when she notices how upset he looks.

"Taetae, what's wrong?" she asks with the softest voice, the voice he adores so much. He takes slow steps towards the side of the bed and she sits up to see him better as he gets closer.

The moonlight from the window shines into the room and onto her face, illuminating her features. Taehyung stands above her, admiring her pretty face. How could he hurt her like this? How could he hurt one of the only people who really cares about him.

He feels like he's on a cliff, one more step and he'll fall deep into the pit of darkness. He takes another look into her worried eyes and seeing how truly concerned she looks for him sends him flying off the edge.

He drops to his knees, finally breaking down.

"I'm so fucking sorry Y/N." he chokes out, the lump in the throat making it hard for him to speak. "You didn't deserve any of this, i'm so fucked up!" he yells, more at himself than at anyone else.

Y/N hurries from the sheets and rushes to him, sitting in front of his face. Her eyes begin to sting seeing her love like this. She doesn't like to see him cry.

She shakily brings her hand up to lift his chin and wipe his tears, her own tears escaping at the sight of her husband crying. Many "i'm sorrys" and other incoherent words travels out of Taehyung's lips. All she does is cradle him in her arms.

Taehyung feels so stupid. He feels so weak for sobbing like a big ass baby, crying on her chest uncontrollably.

"Don't apologize any more, i've already accepted it." she mumbles and anger begins to brew in Taehyung once again. She can't forgive me that easily!

"W-Why? Why won't you hate me?" Taehyung pulls his head away from her bare chest and stares into her teary eyes. "Why didn't you leave me?! I don't deserve you!" he spits out with disgust towards himself.

"I would never leave you, Tae. I don't care what you do to me, I'll always stay with you because I love you." She keeps her voice low and calm despite the constant tears that flee from her eyes.

This is so toxic and they both know it. Neither of them can find the emotional or mental strength to do anything about it. All Taehyung could do is stare into her orbs and release tears of anger.

He really doesn't deserve her.

Suddenly, she stands up and grabs his hands to guide him into a standing position. Without saying anything, she leads him to the bed and tells him to lay down.

She lays down beside him, facing him. She wipes his face of tears once again and he leans into her touch, feeling her soft fingers gliding against his cheek. His eyes flutter shut and it's only then he realizes how exhausted he actually is.

"I love you, Taehyung." she whispers.

"I love you too." he wants to say, but the words never find their way out of his mouth.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

thank you for reading! i'm sorry for a short chapter.

we reached 2k reads and im so happyyyy!! i never expected this book to get that much attention since i was only doing this because i was bored in quarantine lmao. im really thankful for everyone who's reading, voting and commenting ❤️

will things finally be better between the couple? 👀

stay tuned, the next few chapters are already in the works!

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