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Is this what it feels like? Is this what it feels like to be broken and cheated on by someone you love?

These questions circulate around Taehyung's head, buzzing around like annoying flies. He drives himself to Yoongi's house, hoping Jimin is there to help him.

Taehyung isn't as angry as he thought, if anything he's just heartbroken. He gave her everything. He tried to repay her for everything he's done but instead she threw it right back in his face.

He arrives at the penthouse and hopes he doesn't have to see Jungkook. He knocks on the door and Hoseok answers. "Is Jimin here?" he asks and Hoseok nods, letting him inside.

Hoseok didn't know what to do with the information that he knew. He knew that the two were drunk but he knew that it was wrong. He decided to just keep it to himself, not wanting to get involved with their business.

Taehyung finds Jimin sitting alone in Yoongi's room, Yoongi nowhere to be found. "Jimin.." he whispers and the other looks up, surprised at his sudden presence but he quickly stands up when he sees Taehyung breaking down.

"Hey! What's wrong?" he frowns at his tears and Taehyung drops his head on Jimin's shoulder. "She cheated, Jimin. She fucking cheated!" he can't control the volume of his voice.

Hoseok, sulks from the living room until he hears something he shouldn't.

"I thought that I could make up for all of that shit I did to her with Jihye but she fucking-" he stops speaking due to a sob. Hoseok is only able to put two and two together and he figures that there must've been some sort of affair going on.

"Taehyung what do you mean she cheated?" Jimin asks, truly confused on what's happening. This doesn't sound like something Y/N would do.

"She said that her and Jungkook were drunk at that little sleepover. They didn't go all the way but I don't know. It fucking hurts, Jimin. It hurts but I deserve it." he huffs.

"And you know what's worse?" he pulls away. "I fucking left her there in sub drop." Jimin gasps, knowing exactly what that is since he experiences it himself.

"Taehyung, you-" he cuts himself off, worried. "She's not safe by herself."

But she's not by herself.

Jungkook rushes out of his dorm and runs full speed to Y/N's apartment. He doesn't know what happened but hearing how she sounded over the phone was enough to make him panic.

He twists the doorknob and finds that it's already unlocked and he calls out for her. "Y/N?!" he searches everywhere until he finds her, weeping in her bed and curled up in a fetal position.

Her body is hidden under a huge t-shirt but there's marks all over her neck, fingerprints there as well. Her body is shaking and she looks so small right now.

He walks up to her and gently lifts her chin up, wiping her tears. "What happened?" he asks but she doesn't answer. Instead, she just looks up at him with puppy eyes. Something is weird and he knows it.

He sat on the bed next to her. "Can you talk to me, please?" he searches her eyes for anything and all he gets is nothing. He gets nothing until she crawls into his lap and presses herself against him and he can feel everything.

"Noona." he warns her and she nuzzles herself into his neck. His arms instinctively wrap around her to hold their balance together. "You have to talk to me, Y/N." he says sternly.

"Taehyung left." is all she says and she starts leaving kisses down Jungkook's neck, still crying. "He left me and I need you." she pulls his shirt down to reveal his prominent collarbones.

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