
15.5K 615 124

A few weeks have passed.

Y/N's mental health has decreased massively. She came to the conclusion that Taehyung has found himself a new playtoy. She only sees him at work and even there, he does everything he can to avoid her. When he does bump into her, he greets her with a scowl, leaving her to feel nothing but pure sadness.

The mental wall that she built to keep herself feeling hopeful has fallen, it deteriorated completely. The only thing that keeps her going is Jungkook and this one, single strand of hope she has. That single strand of hope is so thin, it's barely there at all.

Ever since her breakdown in Taehyung's closet, she's been sleeping in his clothes every night while hoping to dream of him. If she can't have him in reality, at least she could try to live the life that she oh so desperately craves, in dreamland.

This constant routine of reminiscing and depression has her locked in so deep, and no one seems to notice. No one but Jungkook.

He can see how distant she is and how sad she is. Jungkook can see right through her fake smiles and forced laughter. He knows all of that is simply a facade. A masking of her pain.

All that Jungkook can do is watch the girl deteriorates in front of him, that is until one day, he decides to take action. He can no longer sit back and watch this happen to Y/N. He has since grown attached to her and he can't stand to watch someone he genuinely cares about, fall apart right before his eyes.

He's distracted all day, messing up in dance class, flunking in his vocal lessons, not paying attention in his language class. This is all because he's formulating some sort of plan in his head.

His first thought is to talk to Y/N directly, which he later rules out as a bad idea. He then thinks about going to Taehyung, but he quickly throws that thought away knowing Taehyung wouldn't cooperate.

It isn't until he's in the passenger seat of Y/N's car, on his way back to the dorms, when he thinks of someone.


He's not sure if it's the best thing to do, but he remembers how quick Jimin was to snap on Taehyung when they had found the two, Y/N with tears in her eyes and on her smooth cheeks.

He hops out of the car, giving Y/N a smile and a wave, and he jogs his way into the dorm. He enters and his eyes immediately spot his hyung sprawled out on the small couch, watching TV.

Jimin notices Jungkook coming into the living room and he moves himself to a sitting position. He doesn't take his eyes away from the television but that doesn't stop Jungkook from igniting a conversation.

"Hyung, I need to talk to you about something." he says, hoping to gather Jimin's attention. Jimin keeps his eyes on the screen but lets out a 'hmm' sound which prompts Jungkook to continue with what he has to say.

Jungkook takes in a deep breath, bracing himself. The worry he felt for Y/N was now unbearable and now it was his time to finally release his concerns out into the world.

"I think something is wrong with Y/N." Jungkook says, perturbation laced in his voice. Jimin's head snaps to face Jungkook in the speed of light, the drama on the TV screen already long forgotten.

"What? What do you mean." Jimin's words come out fast and eager and Jungkook wastes no time to explain.

"She's been kind of, depressed?" he says, his words coming out more like a question rather than a explanatory statement. "Like, she just seems so down all the time."

Jungkook takes the deepest breath of his life before continuing. "The night after we first started at the company, I went to the store down the street and I bumped into Y/N." He gulped before continuing, watching his hyung's face closely.

"She was...drunk." Jungkook watches Jimin's face contort into confusion. "She was lost, I guess but when she saw that it was me, she thought that I was Taehyung."

"She started to get a little hysterical and she started crying and asking me things like 'Why won't you love me' and such." Jungkook continues and Jimin runs his hand through his hair.

"I called Taehyung to pick her up and he didn't even sound worried. He came and took her home but when I asked him if anything was wrong with them, he brushed off my question and left."

Jungkook stopped talking and his words hung heavy in the air. Jimin took a few moments to process Jungkook's story but he wasn't done yet.

"And I couldn't help but notice how they act like strangers at work. Noona doesn't even come to work at the same time as him." he prepares himself before saying his next words carefully.

"Hyung, is Taehyung hurting her?" Jungkook asks. Jimin's eyes go wide and he looks about ready to jump off from his seat on the sofa. Jungkook notices his balled up fists and quickly continues, knowing Jimin took his words the wrong way.

"Not physically! I mean, like something else." Jungkook starts to speak fast and he begins to ramble and stumble over his words a little.

"You seem to know more than me and- and i-i just want to help Noona." Jungkook looks down at his lap, feeling a wave of sadness wash over him as he thinks about the look of grief in Y/N's beautiful eyes. "She's always sad. I can tell even when she tries to hide it. It's like she's always in a daze."

Jimin releases a sigh, running his hands through his disheveled hair for the umpteenth time. "I'll talk to Taehyung. Don't worry about it, Kook." he finalizes

Jungkook almost wants to scream at Jimin. How can he not worry about it? Despite this little flare of anger Jungkook felt, he nodded and fought his urge to argue.

Jungkook sees Y/N as the sweetest girl in the world. The mere thought of her own husband mistreating her is enough to get himself angry. Jungkook isn't one to get angry but if he does, it's not pretty.

He gets up from the couch and leaves his hyung alone, going into the shared bedroom and drowning in his thoughts.

Jimin gets up from the comfort of the couch and puts on his sneakers, heading out the door. He decides to take a jog to clear his mind.

His intentions of clearing his mind completely go to shit. His stable jogging pace turns into a sprint and he finds himself running as fast as he can out of anger until he can't feel the entirety of his lower body anymore.

He ends up in a park, the same park where he found Y/N curled up on a park bench, shivering and sleeping. He sits his exhausted body on that same bench as he recalls seeing her blue lips and tear stained cheeks.

He remembers how badly he wanted to pull her into his embrace and hold her, how badly he wanted to tell her everything was alright upon hearing her whimpers.

He remembers how he found her in that garden, hurting herself. Has it really come to this? When did life ever get this bad?

High school and college was a time of happiness. Everything was okay. He had his two best friends who were happy with each other. They were so close, they were bonded together like family.

Now, happiness is nowhere to be found. The only thing left is suffering and agony. And Jimin blames himself for it. He blames himself for everything.

He wonders if he wasn't such a coward and if he didn't disappear, things could've been different.

Jimin pulls his phone out of the pockets of his basketball shorts and dials Taehyung. The phone rings a few times before he answers, harshness laced throughout his deep voice. "What?" he snaps over the phone.

"We need to talk and we need to talk now."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

thank you for reading. this was mainly a filler chapter for some drama to come but it was necessary for the storyline! im sorry if this was a little boring :(

we're almost a 1k reads and im so happy !!

thank you for everything and also, happy army day! (i know im a day late but its not too late to celebrate so happy birthday army)

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