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You sobbed the whole way to the penthouse. You were lucky enough to not crash the car but at this point, you wouldn't have cared. You were tired of everything. The only thing keeping you together at this point was your baby girl.

You arrived at the penthouse and made it up to Yoongi's door before your body finally gave in and you dropped to your knees, sobbing your heart out. The world around you was spinning and the sharp pain in your chest indicated how broken your heart was.

Your sobs got louder and louder and you didn't even notice the door opening. Your vision was clouded but someone kneeled in front of you. "Y/N?!" they called but you couldn't tell who it was nor could you care about that. All you could care about was him. He broke your heart again.

The person picks you up and brings you inside. You feel sorry for whoever this person is because you couldn't control your tears enough and you released them on their chest. The person sat you down on the couch and sat beside you, bringing your head closer to their chest.

"Cry it all out, Y/N." they mumble, holding the back of your head close enough for you to feel their heart beat. You sank into whoever's chest it was and cried until you couldn't anymore.

When you finally were able to calm down, you pulled away from the person and rubbed at your swollen red eyes. "Y/N." you looked up and you saw that the person was actually Namjoon.

"What happened?" he asked softly and that question alone was enough to make you start crying again. Before you could break down, he quickly stopped you. "Hey, you don't have to say anything, alright?" he says, rubbing a hand at your shoulder and you nod.

You didn't want to speak about it. Why? You were afraid to be judged. You were afraid that Namjoon would think you're crazy. He would think you're crazy because despite Taehyung's actions, you still fucking loved him.

Namjoon stood up and you followed him with your eyes. You really didn't want to be alone right now. You watched as he disappeared into a hallway and shortly came back with a blanket in his hand.

"It's still early in the morning, you should sleep a little." he says and hands you the blanket. You hesitantly take the blanket and try laying yourself down on the sofa. He goes to walk away but you finally find your voice to speak.

"Please," your voice came out raspy and quiet but it was loud enough to make Namjoon stop. "Please stay here." you timidly begged, embarrassed to be asking him in the first place.

You're satisfied when he nods and gives you a warm smile. He sits down on the sofa across from yours and you try your hardest to sleep. Your eyes gave out eventually from all of the crying. It was easier to rest knowing that you weren't alone.

You don't know how long you slept but when you woke up, you expected to see Namjoon still sitting there but that wasn't the case. Instead, Yoongi was there in his spot.

You watched as he tapped away at his phone before realizing you were awake. He says nothing and you two just hold silent eye contact for a while.

"H-He cheated." you stuttered out and watched closely for Yoongi's reaction. His face wasn't angry like you'd suspected but instead he looked confused. "Taehyung cheated?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

You nodded but he slowly shook his head. "Are you sure? I talked to him last night and everything seemed fine."

"Yoonie, he cheated." You saw that picture and you had proof. There was no other explanation. Yoongi sighed and stood up, now sitting next to you. He adjusted your position so you were laying your head on his shoulder.

"You must feel terrible right now but I don't think that's what happened, Y/N." he says and you feel a little angry at his lack of care. Why won't he react? Is he siding with Taehyung? You definitely didn't expect this to happen. "I'll talk to Taehyung and get to the bottom of it. Things just don't add up."

You heavily sighed, feeling like complete shit. "Im so tired." you mumble. "I'm so tired of everything, I just want to go far away." your words sounded harmless but they held so much more meaning to them and Yoongi picked up on this.

"Y/N, please don't think like that. I don't want to lose you." you felt yourself tearing up. "I know you aren't feeling the best right now but please don't resort to that."

Your hand makes its way up to rest on your baby's womb. "What if I end up like mommy? I miss her so much Yoongi," your tears finally escape and you choke out a sob. "It was all my fault!"

Your mom, and Yoongi's aunt, was diagnosed with postpartum depression after she gave birth to you. That eventually led to major depression later on down the line.

She was a singer. She was doing so great in the industry and she was so excited to see Yoongi trying his best with his musical abilities and seeing you being so supportive when Yoongi's parents were not. Although she seemed so excited, she was never really happy.

She lost her long term battle with depression after doing her first concert. She was dissatisfied with her performance and decided that she should give up and end her life. If she hadn't had you, she might've been alive and living her dream, topping the charts and flying high in the industry, depression free. But she's not. She's gone and you blame yourself for that.

"It wasn't your fault, don't say that!" Now Yoongi is crying. "Stop blaming yourself for that. There was nothing we could do about it, okay?" he brings his voice down when he realizes that he was yelling.

As much as you wanted to argue and disagree with him, your body couldn't find the strength and energy to do so. Yoongi wrapped himself around you and cried with you.

It hurt to see him cry because Yoongi always tries his hardest to mask his emotions. Even if he's really sad and going through something, he would never tell you because he doesn't want you to worry. Somehow, seeing him crying like this makes you angry with yourself because it's your fault.

The two of you sit there for a while until Namjoon is slowly walking into the living room. "Yoongi hyung, Taehyung is um- he's here." he says and your heart beats quicker at the mention of his name.

Yoongi nods and stands up. "Can you stay with her? Just until I get things straight?" he asks the other and he nods. "Yeah, for sure hyung." Namjoon agrees and Yoongi heads out the door.

Namjoon insists on the two of you watching a movie and you can't find the guts to reject him. The two of you sit there, waddled up in blankets while watching movies and eating the snacks Namjoon put together.

Just for a little while you were able to take your mind off of him.

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

thank you for reading!! this was a short (but very important) chapter but there's more to come so stay tuned.

ill update soon :)

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