Chapter 3- No longer dead

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As they entered the room, Ruby noticed the strange atmosphere. Stood around LB's desk were several faces Ruby knew well.

Agent Blacker. Ruby's fellow coding agent and close friend. Blacker was a donut lover and a bit of a goof most of the time but he was also one of the smartest agents in Spectrum. He was a tall man with light brown hair parted on the left side. He had round blue eyes and a little bit of stubble on his chin. Blacker was one of the kindest people Ruby knew and whenever she saw him she just wanted to run over and give him a hug. Underneath his massive brain he was practically a teddy bear. Today, however, Blacker looked more serious than he ever had before.

Myles Froghorn. This man could be described as Ruby's nemesis. When Ruby first met him, three years ago, they definitely disliked each other. Froghorn labeled Ruby as over confident and Ruby labeled him as a potato head. To his disgust Ruby on purpose pronounced the g in his name which was silent. He was a thin, mid twenties man with thick, curly black hair and square-ish glasses. His eyes were a medium brown colour and he had thick eyebrows. He never really looked too thrilled to see Ruby although they did hate each other a lot less than they did three years ago. On this Wednesday morning, he looked not only sad to see her but concerned as well.

Loveday Byrd Uggerlimb. LB to everyone at Spectrum and everyone else. A thin and serious looking woman. Often seen in a crisp, white suit with her nails painted scarlet red. Her mid-length brown hair was often tied back so her big brown eyes were on display. Although she was not Ruby's biggest fan, they had mutual respect for one another. LB was the bravest person Ruby knew as she had sacrificed everything she loved for the benefit of others. She certainly was a good boss and had Ruby's trust even if LB didn't fully trust her. LB never usually showed any emotion so to see her scared was concerning.

Agent Kekoa. Ruby's dive instructor and co-worker when training the new agents. She had short, dark hair and hazel eyes. She was a short and quiet woman who at that time looked very concerned. Stood beside her was Samuel Colt. Also a co-worker of Ruby's and a very serious man. He could be quite scary to someone who didn't know him. He was tall with a large build and short, dark hair. He looked as serious as ever but there was a glint of fear in his eyes.

And of course, Hitch. Formally Art Hitchen Zachary but nobody called him that. Something was wrong. He was a handsome man and even when he was worried his charming bone structure made him look surprisingly calm. His eyes were a faded turquoise colour and his skin was tanned and glowing. Ruby could tell there was something wrong because he wouldn't talk to her. Hitch would normally jump at the opportunity to talk to Ruby. They were best friends. But today he didn't say a word.

LB gestured for Ruby to sit and so she did. The Spectrum boss wasn't one to bother with greetings. She acknowledged the words on Ruby's T-Shirt and rolled her eyes slightly. Normally Ruby Redfort would have smirked or made a sarcastic comment but not today. She knew when not to talk.

"I'm sure you are wondering why you're here Redfort," said LB, in her usual gravelly voice. Tempted to look over a Blacker for some potential comfort, Ruby nodded.
"We have found something quite... worrying," There was a quiver in LB's voice as she searched for the right words. Ruby was starting to get restless. What could possibly be so bad? She had never had a briefing like this before.
"Guys, what's wrong?" asked Ruby who was, for the first time in three years, scared. She hadn't seen any of these agents this scared since we found out there was a mole or double agent as LB referred to her. The agent in question was Casey Morgan or Buzz as she was known inside of Spectrum and she was a huge psycho. But today, it almost seemed worse. Like all their worst nightmares had come true.
"We saw something on a security camera near a Spectrum 8 entrance. Something that we never expected to see again." LB didn't make eye contact with Ruby.
"Kid," Hitch reached out an arm and placed it onto Ruby's shoulder, comfortingly. "You have to understand that we never had proof that he was dead so..." Ruby cut him off quickly.
"Wait," she whispered, barely able to speak. She knew what they had seen. Who they had seen. "He's alive. Like really alive. Not just in my head," Without realising Ruby stood up and walked over to the wall.

Count Von Viscount was alive

What did you think? I know this was mostly description and I will try not to make it as boring next time. Please feel free to leave some comments for me to read. Once  again thanks for reading xxx

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