Chapter 40- Homecoming

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Ruby sat by Clancy and Dan, watching as the unconscious and dead, bad guys were dragged from the building. As Lorelei was carried out, Ruby felt a shudder of pain in her eyes. For so long, Ruby had hated the woman and despised her with every fibre of her being. Now, Lorelei Von Leyden was dead and The Count was in jail. Ruby had no enemy other than Vepona Begwell. A small smile came upon Ruby's lips. For once, she was safe.
Dan was dabbing a damp cloth on the back of his neck. He had been hit pretty badly. Clancy's lip was puffy and bleeding and there was bad bruising to his neck but he hadn't sustained any bad injuries. Hitch looked the worst, his handsome face shrouded by scars. Both Hitch and LB were helping the Spectrum X agents fly the bodies out of the area. Blacker and Froghorn were keeping the Twinfordites calm and informing them that the party would be allowed to continue shortly after the agents had swept the area. It was clear that a lot of eyes were on Ruby, Clancy and Dan. You couldn't blame them. It wasn't everyday you saw a sixteen year old girl and two seventeen year old boys bleeding on the sidewalk after FBI agents had fought criminals.
"Ruby," squeaked Sabina as she was finally let under the police tape. "Are you alright?"
"Hey Mom," smiled Ruby. Sabina looked at her daughter's face.
"What happened to your cheek?" she asked.
"Let's just say some of those dudes don't like me very much," Ruby smiled.
"I don't understand. You were falling and then..." said Sabina.
"You can thank Hitch for that one. He's some butler,"
"Where is Hitch? We must thank him," asked Brant.
"Hey," shouted Ruby. "Zach, can you come here for a sec?"
Hitch turned away from Agent Zucko and walked towards the Redfort's.
"Zach? Is that your name?" asked Sabina as he reached them. Hitch smiled at Ruby.
"More of a nickname I guess but I prefer Hitch," he grinned.
"Well, either way, we have to thank you for helping Ruby," said Brant.
"I think it was more of a joint effort," Hitch's grin grew. Ruby looked up at him and smiled.
"Wait, you mean Ruby was part of this? I don't understand," gasped Sabina.
"The man, who kidnapped your daughter, killed a friend of mine, a friend of Ruby's even. We were both targets cause we knew him, it's not Ruby's fault,"
"The dude's a psycho," added Ruby.
"Well I'm just glad you're both safe," said Sabina pulling them both into a hug. She held Hitch a little too tightly around the shoulders, where he had been hit, and he winced. As Sabina let go, Agent Delaware approached them to escort Ruby's parents to the safe zone with the other Twinfordites.

Once they had left, Ruby let out a huge sigh that she didn't know she was holding. Hitch laughed at her sigh and put his arm around her. She hugged him tightly and hid her face in his jacket. The night was drawing in, the moon was rising and the summer breeze was cold. Friendship didn't seem like a strong enough word to describe the relationship between Ruby and Hitch. They were practically brother and sister. Yes, they annoyed each other to death and, yes, they both wanted to kill each other sometimes but either way, they loved each other. Ruby trusted Hitch more than anyone else in her life. There was nothing she couldn't tell him. Hitch felt like Ruby was one of the only people he could fully trust. She was the kind of person that always knew how to make him smile. As she held onto him, Hitch smiled. They had finally caught The Count and, most importantly, they had done it together.
"And, after all of this, I really don't know how we're both still alive," grinned Ruby.

Dan, after sweeping the building, was sitting alone. He needed a moment of peace to be in his own headspace for a while. Although he was now able to think, he was getting lonely so it brought a smile to his face when Ruby appeared. She smiled down at him and slid down the wall to sit beside him. He smiled as she rested her head on his shoulder.
"It's been a pretty weird day," she sighed. Dan put a comforting arm around her.
"Yep, but I gotta tell you something, Ruby," he said, turning to face her.
"Oh no, what's wrong?"
"I gotta go home, Ruby," he sighed. "M wants me back in London by tomorrow."
Ruby's lips moved slightly, like she was trying to say something but couldn't. Her expression was one of pure disappointment and sadness. Although she would never admit it, she enjoyed Dan's company. He was a whole lot more fun than she had first thought and he had been really sweet to Ruby. He was a smart kid. A good kid. She wanted him to stick around.
"It's not a bad thing Ruby. I mean, I would love to stay. I really would..."
"So why don't you? Stay here. Stay with me," she sighed, touching his shoulder.
"I can't Ruby and you know that. Just like you have people here who need you, I have people at home who need me. M needs me at MI6 Ruby, I'm sorry,"
He smiled softly and took hold of her hands.
"But I'll miss you, Dan," a tear slid from the green of Ruby's eye.
"I'll miss you too, Ruby. But, hey, you can still call and write to me and I'll visit. Maybe you can even come to London at some point. It's not goodbye forever, just see you later,"
Ruby smiled. She hugged Dan so tightly he thought that he would never breathe again. He laughed and held onto her.
"Your different Dan," said Ruby.
"I am?"
"Yep. I feel like you get me in a different way. I might even go as far as to call you one of my best friends,"
Dan grinned like the Cheshire Cat.
"You are my best friend, Ruby Redfort,"

The party went on all night, although no one who had been on the roof really noticed. Ruby spent the entire night talking to Hitch, Clancy and Dan. They all avoided questions from everyone and hid in the corner of the room. They would all miss Dan, even Clancy. What Dan said was true though. He needed to go home; people needed him. All Ruby knew was that, whoever they were, they were lucky people to have him around. She would miss Danial Zayn when he was gone and he would miss Ruby Redfort.

Later that night, Ruby and Hitch took Dan to the helicopter pad where M was picking him up. The aircraft was already there when they arrived. Dan sighed and turned to face his friends.
"So, this is it," he said.
"I guess so," sighed Ruby.
"Feel free to visit anytime Dan," smiled Hitch, shaking Dan's hand. Dan nodded.
"I will. I'll be back before you know it,"
"I'll give you two some space," Hitch walked over to the helicopter to talk to Agent Zucko, who was giving Dan and M a ride back to MI6. Dan opened his mouth to speak but Ruby cut him off by hugging him tightly. He laughed and hugged her back.
"Don't be sad, Ruby-loo," he laughed into her shoulder.
"Ruby-loo?" asked Ruby, letting go.
"Well, everyone seems to have a nickname for you so it was either that or Rhubarb,"
"Ok, yeah. Ruby-loo is better than Rhubarb," giggled Ruby.
They heard M shouting over from the aircraft.
"I've gotta go. I'll call you when I land ok,"
"You better. Bye Dannie,"
He let go of her hand and walked towards the helicopter and as the door opened he turned back to face her.
"I left something for you in the guest room. I'll see you later, Ruby-loo,"

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