Chapter 30- Power of a Name

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As they all began to wake up, they smelt the perfect waft of Mrs Digby's pancakes coming from the kitchen. Both Ruby and Clancy beamed at each other when they smelt it. There was nothing better than Mrs Digby's pancakes for breakfast. As the housekeeper brought in the stack, Ruby jumped up to hug her. Mrs Digby laughed and left them to it. As the rest of them tucked it, LB sat back, a little confused.
"What's up?" asked Ruby, pouring syrup on her pancake.
"I haven't had pancakes in a decade," said LB, looking at the stack.
"Well you are in luck, my friend, because nothing on this planet can beat Mrs Digby's cooking. C'mon, try one,"
LB cautiously took a bite of a pancake. Suddenly her expression of concern changed to one of delight.
"So?" asked Hitch, smiling.
"I don't think I've ever tasted anything this good in my life," LB grinned and continued to eat. Ruby smiled. She hadn't seen LB this happy since she saw Bradley Baker again. Ok, maybe she was happier to see Baker but still, LB wasn't usually this smiley.

Later on, when everyone besides Clancy had left, Ruby, Hitch, Dan and Clancy were sitting down and watching Crazy Cops. Hitch had been instructed to not leave Ruby's side until she went to sleep, meaning that he had to endure many hours of TV. To his surprise, he didn't hate hanging out with them and watching the show. He was just happy to see Ruby smiling. He admired her in these moments. Here was a girl who, in the past two weeks, had narrowly missed death twice and had seen one of her good friends dead bodies in an alleyway and yet she still managed to be happy and positive. Clancy had his arm around her and she had her head on his shoulder. Dan was getting very jealous although he didn't show it.
They drank lots of soda and ate lots of cookies during that day. Hitch couldn't help but worry. Although he was glad to see Ruby smiling, she was clearly not herself. Her skin was pale, her eyes were droopy and every so often her expression would change from one of joy to one of severe pain and agony.

Clancy had to go home for dinner with his parents and Dan went upstairs to call his boss, leaving Hitch and Ruby alone.
"Are you alright, kid?" he asked.
"I'm scared Hitch," she whispered, defeatedly. "I know he's gonna come back for me,"
Hitch hugged her. He knew she was right.
"It's ok, Ruby. He's not going to hurt you, I promise,"
Suddenly there came a scream from outside on the street.
"Dan," they gasped in unison.

They dashed out of the door, to find Dan in the grasp of a man. A man Ruby recognised. A man Ruby could never forget. Count Von Viscount was outside her house.
"Miss Redfort," he grinned. 
Hitch stood in front of Ruby, shielding her from the villain. The Count smirked at him.
"Art Hitchen Zachary. The reason she's in pain. Well, I'm glad to see some things never change. Redfort will do anything for you," he nodded at Ruby so Hitch turned to face her. She was holding the Bradley Baker gun. Not aiming it but it was in her hand. Hitch sighed.
"Ruby, put the gun down," he whispered. If anyone was going to shoot, it would be him.
"I'll do what I have to do to protect the people I care for. That's the difference between you and me, Count. And since we're using full names I should say, let him go, Victor,"
The Count smiled, grimly. He dropped Dan who ran behind Hitch. Ruby raised her arm and aimed at The Count.
"We both know you're not going to shoot me Redfort," he hissed. Ruby smiled sweetly.
"You're right. That wouldn't be nearly painful enough to avenge Kekoa and Baker," The Count returned her smile.
"Quite right,"
"Now get out of my driveway," she growled. The Count slowly made his way to the gate, Hitch walking behind him to make sure he left. As it opened he turned around to face Ruby.
"We made a deal, Miss Redfort..." he paused. That thin, creepy smile spread across his face and he turned to leave. As he walked away, Ruby became very shaky. Hitch held onto her arm out of fear that she might fall over. Her breathing was irregular and fast.
"I'll never be safe from him," she whispered. "He'll always be better, stronger, he has nothing to lose," Hitch could barely hear her. She shuddered in his grasp and seemed to slip in and out of panic every few seconds. This was not the Ruby he knew. She was never paranoid, never scared. Ruby Redfort was fearless but today she was as scared as she could ever be. Everything she loved was on the line and her opponent loved nothing. She could lose everything in a matter of seconds. All it would take was the pull of a trigger.

Ruby, curled up in her bed, thought about everything going on around her. Parts of her life were perfect. She was in love. Her friends were amazing. Her parents loved her and she had her dream job. But there were other parts of her life that were far from perfect. The biggest villain in Twinford wanted her dead. She had been stabbed and shot in the space of two weeks. All of her friends were in danger and even Hitch couldn't save her from The Count. Her breathing was odd and irregular. As she slowly began to hide her face in Hitch's huge hoodie, she heard a gentle knock at her door. Thankfully, it was one of the only people Ruby wanted to see. Clancy stuck his head round the door and smiled when he saw her. She was mostly hidden in the sweater and the covers of her bed. Her eyes lit up when she saw him; he always knew exactly when to show up. He got into the bed, next to her and hugged her tightly. This was a boy who knew Ruby inside out. A boy who could always tell what she was thinking and feeling. But most importantly, a boy who knew when she needed a hug. She smiled in his grip and held onto him. He could feel her warm breath on his cheek. He smiled to himself as she got closer to him. He was happy to be some comfort to her. Ruby's hand rested on Clancy's shoulder as she tilted her head up to face him.
"Thank you Clance," she whispered, softly.
"For what?" he grinned.
"Always being here when I need you,"

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