Chapter 8- Danial Zayn

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Ruby stood still in the doorway, confused by how he could possibly be here. She had seen this boy before. His handsome face and carefree smile were so familiar yet so distant that Ruby couldn't take her eyes off him. She walked further into the full white room and stood in front of LB's desk.
"You wanted to see me," said Ruby, moving her focus from the boy to her boss.
"Yes I wanted to tell you that we are assigning you to a new case. Because of the magnitude of the return of The Count we are teaming up with the British Secret Service to track him down and get him locked up. Usually we wouldn't do so but we found out that they were training up Danial here who is about your age and we thought it might be useful to combine forces."

Ruby nodded although she was not happy about it. Ruby liked to work alone and by alone I mean with the help of a lot of gadgets and Hitch.

"So he's here to what? Lift stuff and do all of that strong person stuff?" said Ruby sarcastically. Most of the other agents smiled at that comment. Ruby only meant it as a joke obviously but if you listened closely you could hear the sound of LB's teeth grinding. Even the boy was grinning slightly.
"Of course not Redfort, I am here to work with you to solve this case," said Danial
"Ok, I just have one question," said Ruby
"And what would that be?" asked Danial
"How do you suppose we are going to disguise you as a Twinford Junior High student with that accent?"
"We have that worked out," said Hitch. "Dan will pose as a British exchange student living at Greenwood house. But Ruby, there is something you need to understand. This is no longer just Spectrum business so under no circumstances will anyone outside of Spectrum be allowed to be informed. That means Clancy will not be allowed to know anything about this. Most importantly the identity of Dan, ok?" Usually Ruby would have protested big time but considering the fact that she and Clancy were barely speaking and this could cost her her job, she wasn't too surprised.
"We need to know we can trust you Redfort," said LB.
"You can," replied Ruby. "This won't be a problem,"

As the meeting went on, not much information was given out. Simply that they would have a briefing in a few days' time and until then they should focus on getting to know each other a little better. After all, not only would they be working together but they would be living together too. Ruby didn't mention that Dan was the boy from the dream because she didn't see it as important. Right now all she cared about was winning the trust of her fellow agents. Hitch and Blacker trusted her completely but the others would need some convincing.

"I will see you both tomorrow," muttered LB. "Redfort, I expect you to take Danial along to your training classes. He will take part in the training and you will make sure to give good instructions as you are the only Larvi agent we have."
"Yes LB," said Ruby. She wasn't too keen on having a partner because she felt she already had all the help she could ever need right in the walls of her house. After all, Bradley Baker has said himself that 'there is no one better than Hitch. Some almost as good but not better'.

When she got home that night she was exhausted. Luckily for her, Brant and Sabina Redfort we're off on a cruise around the world all spring and summer so there was no need to explain to them why this British boy was staying in their home. Mrs Digby on the other hand was home but Hitch took care of it. Hitch was an elegant and incredible liar. If there was a man who could lie his way into achieving world peace forever then Hitch was that guy. Ruby showed Dan to the guest apartment on the second floor of Greenwood House, mumbled her goodnight and went straight upstairs to her room to catch some z's. It had been a long day and Ruby Redfort was asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow. Her sleep was a dreamless one. She was out cold for almost seven hours.
She woke up at her usual time and got ready for another tedious school day. Except this day in particular, May 15th, would be far from normal. It was Danial Zayn's first day at Twinford Junior High and, boy, was he in for a shock.

Ruby stumbled down the stairs to find Dan already sat at the table. He was wearing some dark jeans and a plain white T-shirt. Ruby's t-shirt read sorry for the mean, awful, accurate things I said.
"Morning Ruby," he said cheerfully. When he noticed her t-shirt he smirked. "A little sarcastic are we?"
"Me? Never," said Ruby in the most sarcastic tone she possibly could. He laughed.
Ruby's toast popped out of the toaster. It said BE NICE!
"I love you too Hitch," she muttered. "We should probably go. It's Friday so all my friends and me meet at the donut for shakes before school,"
"The donut?" asked Dan, grabbing his backpack and handing Ruby hers.
"The diner. You'll love it, come on,"

Another chapter done. Hope you liked it xxx

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