Chapter 16- Smiling for the sake of it

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Ruby, Clancy and Dan all stayed off school the following few days. Clancy had never seen Ruby cry the way she did on that Tuesday. They played Crazy Cops in the background as Ruby mourned the loss of her friend. It had been a few hours since Ruby had cried, so Clancy was expecting tears any minute now. The credits rolled and Ruby started to shift as she sniffled. Clancy shuffled over to her and held her to his chest. Dan turned off the TV so all that could be heard was the sound of Ruby's irregular breathing. She was shivering inside Clancy's arms. He hugged her tighter to try and transfer some heat through to her.
"You're so cold," said Clancy. Dan saw her trembling and took off his hoodie. He walked over to where Ruby sat. Clancy loosened his grip as he saw him approaching. Dan sat down next to Ruby and pulled his sweater over her head.
"Thank you Dan," she said, looking over at him. He put his arm around her as she put her head on his shoulder. Clancy's expression shifted slightly. Only enough for Ruby to notice. She reached out and touched his hand in reassurance. Her eyes were only for him. He smiled from the corner of his mouth.

They remained sitting on the couch for hours. Ruby shifted in and out of sleep all day, switching from leaning on Dan's shoulder and cuddling Clancy. At 4.16 am she woke up with her arm laid across Clancy's chest and Dan's hoodie keeping her warm. She was wearing a small pair of shorts, thick socks, a t-shirt and Dan's hoodie. The British agent had left the living room and gone to his bed. Clancy's eyes flickered open.
"Hey, Rube," he whispered weerily. She smiled down at him, looking at his lips.
"Hello Clancy," He grinned at her. It was nice to see her smiling again. She must have been so tired. Her mind was running wild with thoughts that she just needed a moment of release. She placed her hand on his cheek and twirled the one loose strand of Clancy's dark hair. He placed his right hand on the back of his neck and the other on her waist. She leaned down and gently touched his lips with hers. As she deepened the kiss, he could smell the practically perfect smell of wild rose on her neck. It entwined with the sweet-smelling lavender shampoo she always used. It was almost as if he was seeing a more intimate side to Ruby. Her vulnerability and the passion behind the kiss were only two of the many things he loved about her. His finger traced the line down the centre of her arched back. He sat up and swung Ruby round until she sat, facing him on his lap. As they both ran out of air, Ruby pulled away. Once again Clancy saw a slight trace of fear on her face, as his hands grabbed hold of her hips. He smiled soothingly at her as he leaned back in. She kissed him back and once again gripped the back of his neck as he pulled her in closer.

"Kid," came a voice from behind her back. Stood in the growing, yellow light of the Twinford morning was Hitch, his arms folded and one eyebrow raised. Ruby climbed off of Clancy's lap and stared up at her house manager, biting her lip awkwardly.
"This is how you mourn the death of an agent?" he asked. There was aggression in his voice no matter how low the volume was. Ruby shook her head. Suddenly, she felt very guilty. She just wanted a moment to relieve the pain but instead she had been selfish. 
"Can I speak to you alone, Redfort?"
"Yeah, I guess," Clancy left them alone in the living room.
"Are you alright, kid?" Hitch said, uncomfortably. These heart to hearts were not his forte. Once Ruby had thought of Hitch as some kind of superhero. That he had no flaws and was just naturally perfect in every way. It was at this moment in the kitchen when she realised deep down he was still just a boy.
"I'm fine, Hitch," said Ruby in a comforting voice. They both stood staring back at each other for a few seconds. Two agents, who were so similar yet total opposites at the same time. Hitch being Hitch radiated charm. He just had one of those faces that made your heart melt when he smiled. And then there was Ruby, so young and confused yet wiser than anyone Hitch knew. Her smile outpoured a sense of stability. If Ruby Redfort smiled, you couldn't help but feel at home with her. For the past week, Hitch hadn't realised how much he loved it when she smiled. To anyone looking in they were perfectly still yet so moving and beautiful that you couldn't help but stare.

The man on Cedarwood Drive almost laughed to himself. He could see the broken expression in Agent Zachary's face. Phase one of his plan was complete. He pulled out a notebook and pen from his pocket. In red ink he slowly crossed out a name he had written there a week earlier.
"Goodnight Agent Kekoa," he whispered evilly. As he stared at another name just underneath Kekoa's, a villainous grin trickled across his lips.
"Get ready to grieve some more, Ruby Redfort,"

Clancy returned into the room when he heard Hitch go downstairs. Ruby stood in the light by the window, staring at where, moments ago, the butler had been. Clancy walked up and hugged her from behind. She smiled and held onto him.
"Did he lecture you?" asked Clancy, breathing down Ruby's neck causing her back to tingle.
"No," said Ruby, calmly. "He just wanted to make sure I'm ok and safe,"
Clancy smirked. He spun Ruby around dramatically and held her close to him.
"So I'm dangerous now, am I?"
Ruby laughed at that. Clancy Crew was many things but dangerous was not one of them.
"I guess, you could say that. If you count danger as me falling apart every time I see you. Or that when you smile my legs turn to jello. Or maybe that you're practically my kryptonite," she whispered. Her voice was clear in the silence of the morning. Clancy leaned down and just as his lips touched hers there came another voice.
"Am I interrupting something?" asked Dan, with a glass of water in his hand.
"No, not at all," said Clancy, sighing theatrically as Ruby rolled her eyes.
"Just thought that you should know that Blacker and Froghorn found something," Dan continued to explain that Blacker had been through every file on the computer until he had found a list of The Count's associates.
"LB wants you to come in right away,"
"What about Hitch?" she asked.
"He's already there,"
"But..." then it finally registered. There was an entrance to Spectrum in Hitch's apartment.
"I guess I'll see you later then," said Clancy sadly. Ruby smiled sweetly at him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"I'll be back soon,"

Thanks for reading xxx

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