Chapter 44- The Other Side

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Ruby stayed up with Hitch for a while, watching TV and talking. Although it was super late, Ruby wouldn't have minded staying there all night. After a while, Ruby retired to her room and fell asleep. Unfortunately, the dream that entered her mind made her night restless.

She found herself sitting in a waiting room. The SHSP (Spectrum High Security Prison) waiting room. A tall police officer beckoned her over and she walked towards him.
"Be careful," said the officer. She walked into a room and there he was. Victor Von Layden, behind bars. His criminally cruel gin spread across his lips.
"Ms Redfort, how nice of you to visit me,"
Cold sweat appeared on her forehead as she slept.
"I need to know something. You're the only one who could help," Ruby grimaced.
The Count's grin spread but he said nothing.
"Why do you do all the evil things you do?" she asked. The Count looked thoughtful for a moment and then smiled again.
"When the world turned its back on me, I turned my back on the world. I didn't come from a good home, Ms Redfort. Not like you. If the people of Twinford were only going to see someone like me as cruel and evil, what's the point in being anything else?" he smiled. It was strange. He had told a sad story and given Ruby a look into his childhood and yet he still looked as sinister and amused. Ruby sighed.
"Look, Victor. Recently I've been seeing..." she paused. "I've been seeing similarities between you and me. I don't know what to do about it,"
"Only recently. Dear Ms Redfort, both you and I are similar. We are both intelligent and equally as dark. You may not like it but you are more like me than you think,"

Ruby opened her eyes, rapidly and screamed. About forty five seconds later, a well dressed Hitch was sitting next to her. Cold tears were streaming from her eyes and sweat was trickling down from her forehead. Hitch was holding onto her hand and trying to calm her. Ruby's breathing was fast and irregular and she couldn't speak. After a while, Ruby fell asleep again, leaving Hitch concerned and restless.

Ruby awoke the next morning to find herself alone in the house. Mrs Digby had gone to a bingo game, her parents were in Everly at a convention and Hitch was most likely in Spectrum. Ruby popped some toast in the toaster and poured herself a glass of peach juice. When the toast popped up again Ruby read the message printed on it.
Come into Spectrum asap, we need to talk - H, LB, JB, MF
It was strange to see all four agents' initials on the toast. Ruby knew she wasn't hungry so she threw the toast to Bug who gladly ate it. She sipped on her juice and went back upstairs to get dressed. SHe threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that read You better believe it buster and laced up her white sneakers. She made her way into Hitch's apartment and climbed down the ladder and into Spectrum. When she came into the Green Room, all four of them were standing around the desk. Hitch looked up at her and smiled.
"Hey kid, we need to talk to you," he said.
"What's up?" she asked, going to sit down.
"The Count is going to court next week. As the one member of Spectrum who has been affected by him, we're hoping you will testify against him for several charges of attempted murder, assult, kidnapping etc," he said.
Ruby's facial expression switched from one of serenity to one of distress.
"What's wrong Redfort?" asked LB.
"If I testify against him they're gonna... they're gonna kill him aren't they?" she whispered.
"Most likely kid but that's a good thing," nodded Hitch. Ruby's head snapped to look at him.
"A good thing? Do you hear yourself?" she asked, her eyes stinging.
"Redfort, this is The Count we're talking about," sighed LB.
"So? Just because he's been cruel to people doesn't mean that we need to kill him. The charges you just said for example. Don't any of you dare tell me that you haven't done any of those things. Hitch, you shot Nine Lives, we all attacked the people on the rooftop, and you've definitely held people captive. LB you blew up Bradley Baker's plane, you are known for your fighting skills and again, you've definitely held a hostage. I threw him off a roof, killed Marnie Novak, I set a wild wolf on people, I attacked Lorelei, I killed a few of the dudes on the rooftop. Do I need to continue?" she sighed as a small tear appeared on her cheek. Hitch sighed and shrugged at her.
"All the things we've done we do out of self defence Ruby. He killed people for the sake of it,"
"Maybe that's true but if you kill him are you not becoming just like him? What's so wrong with leaving him in jail for a lifetime instead?"
"It's not that simple, Redfort. What if he escapes? What would you do then?" asked LB.
"Look, guys. I just can't. My heart rules my head and it always will. I wanna leave him alive because I don't want to feel any more like a murderer than I already do. There's always gonna be another villain. Always gonna be another criminal and killing this one won't change that," she whispered.
"Listen kid, it's not that easy. He's done so much damage," sighed Hitch.
"But so have we. The amount of lives we've taken away. We left Lorelei without a mother. Baby Face without his best friend. Bradley without any memories. Casey Morgan without a life. And now The Count with nothing. Can you at least give him a chance to turn his life around? You gave me one," she pleaded. By now, tears were fully running down her face.
LB sighed and looked at her sympathetically.
"Look, Ruby. There's not really a chance that they'll let him off. Even if you stand up in court and say he's completely innocent, they will still know you're lying and kill him," said her boss.
Ruby thought for a second and then smiled.
"Maybe not but I know who they will listen to," she grinned. She dashed out of the room and ran through the corridors to the Red Room. The others chased her and when they caught up, she was on the phone. LB looked confused as Ruby hung up.
"What are you doing, Redfort?" asked LB.
"Calling in a favour with our friends on the other side,"

Ruby Redfort: try not to screamWhere stories live. Discover now