Chapter 21- Embarrassment

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Ruby couldn't sleep that night. Clancy had gone home earlier so she was alone in her room. The memory of The Count's voice circulated her mind and haunted her thoughts preventing her from resting. Dan realised something was wrong and knocked on her door.
"Hey," he whispered stepping inside. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I don't want to bother you," she replied, looking up at him. He climbed onto the bed and sat next to her.
"Talk to me," he said. Ruby turned to face him and realised she could trust him.
"It's just," she sighed. "When The Count fell off the eye hospital roof three years ago I didn't know what to think. One one hand, he was one of the worst people in the world who killed for the sake of it. But he was also the only reason I had a job at Spectrum and the past few years have felt kind of incomplete without him trying to kill me. As stupid as it sounds, when I saw him today, I didn't know wether to shoot him or shake his hand. He's as big a part of my life as LB, Hitch and Clancy and I can't live without those three. All this time I've been trying to prove a point that I'm a good agent. But what's an agent without a villain to fight? I hate him more than anything. More than Vepona Begwell. More than Archie Lemon. More than Lorelie. More than the feeling of losing the people you love and yet I'm nothing without him. And in a way I think he needs me too."
Dan was slightly struck. Ruby had never opened up to him like this before. She looked so destroyed and so ruined.
"You're so brave, Ruby Redfort," he whispered, putting his arm around her shoulder.
"You've felt pain like no one else I know. You've achieved more in the past year than most people could in several decades. You've suffered the most loss and yet you still manage to wear that beautiful smile of yours every day."
Ruby's head jolted around to face him. Beautiful? Had she heard him correctly? He smiled at her and slowly his face got closer to hers.
"Dan, what are you doing?" she asked, shuffling backwards.
"Don't act like you don't know. I'm crazy about you Rube," that nickname made Ruby draw the line. Only Clancy called her that and only Clancy would ever hold her heart.
"Dan, stop," she pushed him backwards. He realised he had crossed the line.
"Sorry. I'll... um... leave," He got to his feet and rushed out of her room.
Great, thought Ruby. Another thing to worry about.

She woke the next morning to the sound of Hitch's voice.
"Kid," he said, gently tapping her shoulder. "Your parents are back,"
Ruby's eyes blinked open.
"Quickly put a hoodie on before they notice your arm,"
Ruby groaned and rolled out of bed. She pulled on a black hoodie and flopped back into bed.
"Ruby? Are you still in bed?" came a voice from the doorway.
"Hey Mom," said Ruby, her voice muffled by the pillow.
"It's 10 o'clock, darling. Don't I get a hug?" said Brant Redfort, Ruby's dad.
"Please leave a message after the tone, beep," Ruby said. She was so tired she was slightly delirious.  Hitch smirked slightly and shook his head.
"She's very tired. We went to one of Ambassador Crew's business party's last night and now she's well..." Ruby's mother giggled.
"Well at least she's tired because she was at a party and not doing anything illegal," joked Sabina. Brant chuckled.
"And of course being with Clancy..." smiled Sabina. Ruby rolled her eyes. Her parents and Clancy's had never stopped loving the idea of the two of them as a couple. Although they were now, it could not be known by her mother. She would never stop blabbing about it and, being only sixteen, Ruby didn't want her wedding planned.
"Mrs Digby made pancakes by the way kid," said Hitch. Ruby immediately sat up.
"Yup I'm up. I'm awake. Huh? Pancakes? Where?" The adults laughed.
"I knew that would work," grinned Hitch.

After hugging her parents, Ruby and the others ran downstairs. The sweet smell of Mrs Digby pancakes hit Ruby's nose as she ran into the kitchen. She let out a satisfied sigh.
"I love you Mrs Digby," she ran over and hugged the housekeeper.
"Alright. I love you too child," said Mrs Digby raising an eyebrow at the others who shrugged.
They all sat down and ate. Dan was also there but Ruby avoided eye contact with him at all times. About half an hour later there was a knock at the front door.
"I'll get it," said Ruby, standing up and walking to the door.

"Hey Rube," said Clancy as she opened the door. "I came to see how you're doing,"
"I'm alright. My folks are home," she replied, hugging him.
"Ok. I will refrain from kissing you then," he laughed, pulling her closer.
Ruby giggled.
"Is that Clancy's voice I hear?" called Sabina from the kitchen.
The pair of them walked into the kitchen. Clancy was hugged by Sabina and Brant shook his hand.
"Would you like some pancakes?" asked Mrs Digby, flipping the batter.
"If you've got enough room for one more, I'd love to," smiled Clancy. He was incredible at small talk and slid into the empty seat next to Ruby.
"So Clancy," started Sabina. Here we go, thought Ruby. "I hear you took Ruby to a party,"
"Yes, although it wasn't exactly the fun kind. Lots of business talk," replied Clancy.
"But I'm sure you both had fun together," giggled Sabina.
"Yes, your daughter is very fun to be around," He smiled, making Sabina grin in excitement.
"So, is there any romance in your life at the moment?" asked Sabina. Ruby put her head in her hands. Clancy looked over and laughed.
"What's wrong Ruby?" asked Sabina. "It's just a question,"
"It's an embarrassing one," said Ruby, rolling her eyes.
"It's fine. I guess you could say that I do. I mean I'm still as in love with Mrs Digby's cooking as ever but other than that, I can't reveal anything," laughed Clancy.
"What about you Ruby? Any boys we should know about?"
"Now Mom, you know that my only love is banana milk,"
Clancy smirked. Yeah right, Rube, he thought. 
"Oh, look at the time," exclaimed Brant. "Sabina, we have to get to that convention."
"Of course. I forgot about that. Bye everyone," called Sabina as they ran out of the door.

Thanks for reading xxx

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