Chapter 37- A Villain End

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As Ruby jumped over The Count's head, the other's emerged from the shadows. His little helpers surrounded Ruby. Hitch tried to advance towards them but LB held him back.
"She can do this Hitch. There's no need for more bloodshed,"
Slowly, one at a time, they attacked Ruby. A tall, bulky man came towards her swiftly. He aimed a kick at her neck but she ducked. As his leg came down, she grabbed hold of his ankle and twisted his leg. Once he was on his knees in front of her, Ruby grabbed his elbow and pressure pointed him, sending him unconscious.
"Goodnight," she whispered and he fell to the floor.
One by one, they struck Ruby but she managed to outsmart them all. Using her gymnastic ability and size to her advantage, she flipped over their heads and attacked from behind. It was only when Vance Fernsby came towards her that she was in trouble. Ruby was tired, so when he pulled out a switchblade and threw her to the floor, there was not much Ruby could do. As the knife reached her throat, she closed her eyes. Bang! Suddenly she felt the man's grip on her loosen and as he fell sideways the knife scraped her cheek, sending her crimson blood streaming down her neck. Ruby looked over to see Dan, aiming his gun at Vance. The man let out his final breath and closed his eyes. Dan ran over to Ruby and pulled her to her feet. The Count laughed cruelly.
"If it isn't Master Zayn, saving the damsel in distress,"
Ruby scowled and walked towards the villain. She wiped some of the blood from her face and smeared it on The Count's cheek.
"I'm in distress? Ok. So that's why you have seven dudes who you got to attack a sixteen year old. It seems like you're kinda scared of me, Victor,"
The Count's expression turned sour.
"How sweet of you to assume I am scared of anything, Ruby Redfort," he hissed.
"Then you'll have no problem killing me or getting killed," said Ruby.
The Count couldn't help but like this plucky teenager. It was almost a shame that she would have to die. He grinned, villainously and sighed.
"You're right. I will have no problem killing you,"

The Count and Ruby both pulled out guns at the same time. Neither one aimed, only stood there, smiling, staring into each other's eyes. Glinting green and bitter black.
"I have to say, Ms Redfort, it is quite admirable of you to try and save your friends,"
"At least I have friends," she smirked, grimly.
Hitch and LB stood behind Ruby, weapons ready.
The Count stepped forward and messed up Ruby's hair.
"Look, bozo, I told Baby Face and I'll tell you. I don't like people messing with my hair buster,"
Hitch smirked, remembering when Ruby had said that last.
"Don't go crying on me now, Bubblegum Girl," called Lorelie, from the shadows.
Dan's hand twitched to his gun. Clancy was still downstairs with Blacker and Froghorn, clearing the area. Lorelie noticed Dan and lunged at him. Both Hitch and Ruby stood in between them and pushed her backwards. Lorelie smiled.
"What an adorable sentiment. The man who gets compared to James Bond and a mere child. What is it you called her LB? 'Half witted'?"
LB's expression shifted to one of pure anger. It was true that she had said this but she had never believed it. Lorelie noticed her discomfort and grinned viciously.
"I have a name," snapped Ruby. "I'm not Bubblegum girl or kid or child. My name is Ruby,"
Dan shifted backwards and stood in front of M. Lorelie's smile widened.
"Loyalty. How sweet. The thing that has saved you all yet will be your downfall,"
By now, there were more bad guys than good guys. One villain stood in front of each agent. The Count stood backwards, letting his employees do the dirty work. Lorelei was the one in front of Ruby.

Unspotted, Clancy was standing in the doorway. He could see the glint in Lorelie's eye. As he looked at Ruby, he noticed the fire within her. Something she had been missing since Bradley Baker died. She looked more confident than angry. Beautiful and deadly. All of them had guns by their sides. He made his way onto the roof, staying submerged in the shadows. Only LB saw him and when she did she smiled slightly. The numbers were now equal but Spectrum had the advantage. If Clancy could stay unseen then he would be able to take out Lorelei. The others could manage the rest of them, letting Ruby take The Count. Clancy was good at blending in with the darkness. His fully black outfit and his dark hair made him almost impossible to see. Lorelie was too amused by taunting Ruby to see him.
"So, I see you have Bradley's gun. Still trying to be like him are we?"
"I don't want to be him," hissed Ruby. "There's no point in even trying. I'll never be that perfect. I can only be who I am, which is a meadleing teenager from Twinford,"
She smiled cheekily. The Count laughed from behind Lorelie.
"You always had a smart mouth, Ms Redfort," he said, richly.
Clancy reached a spot where he had an almost direct shot at Lorelei. The only problem was that there was only a thin gap between Ruby and the psychopath. If his aim wasn't completely perfect, he could hit Ruby. As no one was looking at her, LB hissed into her earpiece.
"Take the shot, Clancy,"
He did as he was told and pulled the trigger. There was a cry of pain from Lorelei. Clancy had done good. As the woman collapsed to the floor, Ruby slumped down next to her. She wasn't hurt at all but she didn't want Lorelei to be alone when she died.
"Do me a favour and say hi to Baker and Kekoa for me," she whispered.
"Looks like you won, Bubblegum Girl," she whimpered.
Lorelei's eyes went cloudy as she started to fade out of life. To the surprise of everyone around them, Lorelei gripped Ruby's hand and leaned up to whisper something in her ear.
"Stay alive, Ruby," she took her last breath and died next to Ruby. The teenager closed Lorelei's eyes. A single droplet of water fell from her left eye as she said goodbye to one of her sworn enemies. Could it really be over? Yes. Lorelei Von Leyden was dead.
Ruby turned to face Clancy and she smiled.
"Thank you," she sighed, standing up. He shuddered.
The Count almost laughed.
"And there it is. The moment where a child becomes a killer," he hissed.
Ruby turned to him defiantly.
"No, that was the moment where a boy became an agent,"

Ruby Redfort: try not to screamWhere stories live. Discover now