Chapter 5- Frozen in time

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Hitch took Ruby home so she could collect her books and go to school. The butler did offer to let Ruby stay off but the teenager declined. All she wanted to do at that moment was to have a normal moment. She just wanted to talk to Clancy Crew. At that moment he seemed like the only person she could really count on to comfort her.

She rode her Spectrum issued green bike and rode to Twinford Junior High. When she arrived at the gates she noticed Mouse and Eilliot leaning against the bike rack. She was pleased to see these two. Although they had no knowledge of Ruby's employment with Spectrum or the many times Count Von Viscount had tried to murder her, they were good company.

"Hey Ruby," waved Mouse. "You look tired. Are you ok?"
"Yeah, I just had a rough morning. Is Clancy anywhere?"
Elliot nodded. "He's in the corridor, by the lockers."
Ruby said her thanks and ran through the building until she found Clancy.

Ruby explained the morning shenanigans to her best friend and he flapped eccentrically. The past three years had been kind to Clancy Crew. He was no longer a scrawny, string bean. He was still tall but he was less skinny and was a whole lot more attractive than his thirteen year old self. Although Ruby knew he looked different she never really took notice. He was just Clancy to her and so when he hopelessly stared at her when she wasn't looking she never really asked questions. Ruby was the smart kids smart kid but she was terrible at two things. Accepting compliments and realising when people had feelings for her.

"Would you quit flapping, buster?" said Ruby in hushed tones when she had finished explaining. "You're drawing attention to us," That was one thing that hadn't changed. Clancy was a flapper and he always would be.
"I'm sorry, Rube," said Clancy attempting to stop his arms from jittering. "It's just, I thought we were done with that creep. I mean, I have nightmares about Italian leather shoes,"
"You and me both, Clance. You and me both."

The school day passed by quite quickly. Ruby was just keen to be alone. She needed time to think everything through and come to terms with what was going on. When the school bell rang, Ruby set off for home but she was stopped on the way by the flapper himself. Clancy ran after her and asked if she wanted to hang out.

"Sure, Clance, just not at your place," said Ruby. "I don't know if I can put up with anymore of Olive," Olive was the youngest of the five Crew children and by far the most annoying.
"That's fair," chuckled Clancy.

The two settled in the tree on Amster Green. This was their usual hang out spot and on this warm Spring day they were completely hidden by the green leaves. They discussed multiple topics like: French homework, the basketball tournament, upcoming exams, Clancy's sisters and Mrs Drisco's terrible haircut.

"I mean why on earth did she do that to her head," laughed Clancy. It truly was horrible.
"I know right. It's so bad," Ruby was genuinely smiling. Throughout the years, the real smile of Ruby Redfort had become reserved for very few people. These were Clancy Crew, Hitch, LB and Blacker. The four most important people in her life.
"There's that smile," Clancy grinned down at Ruby. His blue eyes glinted in the light. As Ruby turned up to face him, suddenly she saw him in a different light. His smile shone bright against his tanned skin and his dark hair. Suddenly she felt really nervous like she never had before. Not the kind of nervous when she was facing danger or the kind when she was in trouble with LB. She had never felt like this before.
"What's wrong, Rube?" asked Clancy as Ruby turned away from him. Ruby tried to shake it from her mind. She was just being stupid because she was stresses, right? Pull it together Ruby, she thought.
"Yeah, I'm good," she said looking back up at him. She gulped slightly. Clancy knew Ruby better than anyone so he knew exactly when she was lying. Clancy placed his hand on her knee in comfort but it only made Ruby more and more awkward.
"I know this is a lot of stress, Rube, but I'm here for you," He tilted her head up until there wasn't much space between their faces. Clancy barely realised what he was doing. He just felt compelled to find a way to make her happy but at the same time do something he'd wanted to do since the day he met her. Ruby didn't flinch. She didn't push him off or say a word. She just stared into his eyes and he stared into hers. For a moment they were frozen in time. No movement nor sound. Just the two of them lost in a world of green.

Clancy didn't hesitate any longer. Slowly, he moved closer to her and gained confidence as he did so. Softly he brushed her lips with his. Ruby did nothing. As there was no protest from her, Clancy decided to take his chance. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her slowly and passionately. Ruby closed her eyes and for a second she forgot completely about the day she had had. Automatically her arms raised to his chest and as the kiss went on she ran her fingers through his hair. When they both pulled away there was silence. Both had no idea what to say.

"Confused?" Asked Clancy as he noticed the puzzlement on Ruby's face.
"No, just surprised," answered Ruby, turning to face her watch that was vibrating rapidly. A message written in white letters appeared. It was from LB.

Meet me at the ice rink in 10 minutes. Don't be late!

"I have to go," said Ruby, as she climbed down the tree.
"But..." said Clancy but she was already gone. He sighed and decided he was best off going home.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Xxx

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