Chapter 16

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Chapter sixteen | Are you jealous of my Cousin?

When Wang Yibo and Meng ziyi disappeared from Xiao zhan and Lu enjie's sight, they immediately released a deep breath that they've holding for awhile.

"Your neighbor was indeed handsome." Lu enjie said, staring on the empty road.

"Also his girlfriend." Xiao zhan added before sighing again.

"You don't have a crush on your neighbor's girlfriend, right?" Lu enjie broke the long silence that was lingering around them and glanced at xiao zhan who was sighing.

Xiao zhan hummed in response and looks at Lu enjie. "I don't." He forced a smile and lu Enjie nodded at him.

"Good because I don't like her, she's a bitch." Lu enjie said,

"You're just a bitch, Enjie." Xiao zhan said.

Lu enjie rolled her eyes before walking away to xiao zhan and entered inside of the apartment.

"I'm going home." She said as she went back with her things to the front door where xiao zhan was still standing and staring at the daze.

The next day, xiao zhan decided to went to the grocery.

As he was currently locking his apartment, making sure that wang yibo will not trespassed to his apartment again like he usually do.

A voice suddenly called him, "Xiao zhannnnnnn!!!!! GUd MoReNgGGGGgGGGGGggg"

Xiao zhan sighed as he remembered the scene yesterday that keep hunting him when he was sleeping last night, making him unable to sleep.

How Meng Ziyi and Wang Yibo flirted in front of his food.

Xiao zhan ignored the owner of that voice who was standing behind him and walked passed to that person.

I feel betraye--------

"Xiao zhannnn wait for meeeee"

Xiao zhan didn't stop walking and completely ignored the person like he didn't existed on this world.

Why I am feeling this way?

Wang Yibo can't believe that his xiao zhan didn't gave atleast one percent of his attention.

He didn't know what he did to xiao zhan to ignore him like this.

"Zhan-ge?? Are you ignoring your baby?" Wang yibo said and pouted.

Xiao zhan's heart almost fell on his stomach after he heard wang yibo, he glanced on his side where wang yibo walking with him and gave him a disgust look.

"You're Meng ziyi's baby, not mine." Xiao zhan said, putting his hands on his hoodie's pocket.

"But zhan~~~ " wang yibo whinned and cling on xiao Zhan's arms as he pouted.

Xiao zhan tried to yanked his arms but wang yibo held it tighter.

"Go to your Ziyi." Xiao zhan said, pushing wang yibo away.

"Ah no~~~~ i don't like Ziyi." Wang yibo said.

The people who passes by to them gave them a weird look especially on wang yibo who acted like a child.

"Wang yibo get off!"

Wang yibo didn't listen on xiao zhan, "are you jealous of my cousin?"

Me?? Jealous to your cousin? Your cous-----

"Cousin?" Xiao zhan frowned at him and stopped walking to face wang yibo.

Wang yibo immediately gasped after he realized that he just blurted out to xiao zhan his secret with Meng ziyi, covering his mouth with his hands while his eyes widened in shocked.

Xiao zhan pushed wang yibo away from him as he also realized what wang yibo mean. "M-meng Z-ziyi?"

"Meng ziyi is your cousin?!" He freaked out as he stared at wang yibo with a confused look.

"Okay, calm down. Gez!!! Yes, she's my cousin and I hired her to be my girlfriend."

*Why do you need to hire her if you can just tell me that you don't have one?!" Xiao zhan said.

"The way you flirted with your cousin makes the  hair in my body rose up!" Xiao zhan added.

Wang yibo smirked, looking down and puckered his lips on the lower region of the body of xiao zhan as it was pointing that area.

Xiao zhan immediately looks down confusedly, "what?"

"Even the hair of that part?" Wang yibo said, still looking down.

Xiao zhan suddenly felt what wang yibo meant and glared at him.

Wang yibo laughed beofre scratches his nape, "I don't want to be a third wheel." He confessed and looked down again.

"I'm sorry if I lied." He added.

Wang yibo tried to walked away when he felt a embarrassment towards his action especially after what he and his cousin did just to proves at xiao zhan that he was straight as circl---- I mean straight as a ruler.

"Yibo, wait....." xiao zhan called him.

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