Chapter 27

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Chapter twenty-seven | Day One


Oh, shit!

Xiao zhan's eyes immediately opened when he heard wang Yibo yelling inside of his apartment.

He glanced at his LED clock that was on his nightstand and shows the time that it was still 6:47 in the morning.

Wang yibo was too early again.


Xiao zhan flinched when wang yibo suddenly barges in to his room. He was still laying on his bed, staring with his sleepy eyes at wang yibo who was smilling to him.

Wang yibo grinned at him and suddenly ran towards him, jumping to xiao zhan.


Wang yibo transferred to the Empty side of xiao zhan's bed and hugged him tightly. Wang yibo snuggles his head to xiao Zhan's neck and inhaling xiao zhan.

Xiao zhan sighed, closing his eyes as the silence ate them up.

"BITCH!" Xiao zhan said, looking at his side as he glared at wang yibo.

Wang yibo just laughed after he bites xiao zhan's neck.

Xiao zhan throws a last glare on him and pushed wang yibo away from him before stood up before he went out to his own room leaving wang yibo alone who immediately chased right after xiao zhan.

"Baobeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~" wang yibo whinned and clings to xiao Zhan's arms but he got yanked by his own neighbor that he was calling baobei.

"Zhan~~~~" wang yibo whinned again, following to xiao zhan until they reaches to the kitchen.

Wang yibo grins again and suddenly drag xiao zhan, letting him seat on the chair as wang yibo opened the breakfast that he made for xiao zhan that he covered for awhile.

Wang yibo pushed the plate in front of xiao zhan with a smile.

"I made it for youuuu with love and care" he said and sat on the other chair, staring at xiao zhan while his hands was supporting his chin.

Xiao zhan gulped, looking at the breakfast that wang yibo cooked for him.

"What's this?" He asked.

"A black pancakes." Wang yibo answered.

A black what-----

Xiao zhan looks dumbfoundingly to wang yibo. "Huh?"

"A black pancakes." Wang yibo repeated.

"What do you mean by black pancakes?" He asked again, not bothering to have a taste on the pancakes.

"Zhan, don't be a racist. " Wang yibo said rolling his eyes.

"This is our first day, let's make it special like the pancakes." Wang yibo added.

Xiao zhan looks on the pancakes again.

"There are my types of pancakes xiao zhan just like a skin color, I know you don't like it because it black. Don't be a racist like others, okay? Respect it because it was also a pancakes." Wang yibo explained as xiao zhan suddenly felt guilty.

For he just judge the pancakes by its colour. Oh, right! Don't be a fucking racist! Respect and accept them!  Xiao zhan said to himself.

I know what are you thinking about the pancakes but don't be a racist!  - wang yibo, 2020

Xiao zhan decided to taste the pancakes as he put a small amount of the black pancakes inside of his mouth.

Xiao zhan felt something was not good of the pancakes, his eyes suddenly widened and ran to the sink.

He immediately spits the black pancakes that how wang yibo called, and gargle a water to remove the bitter taste of the pancakes.

He faced wang yibo who was just staring at him.


Wang Yibo's eyes widened, "But, I thought it was really the color?" He pouted.

"Don't be a racist, zhan. Just because it----"

Xiao zhan went back to his seat and stab a larger piece of black-----burnt pancakes, putting it on wang Yibo's lips.

"Oh, now you're suddenly become sweet to me. I'm flattered, Zhanzhan." Wang yibo said, putting his hands on his chest.

Wang yibo opened his mouth and sweetly accepted the pancake that xiao zhan gave him.

But his immediately ran to the sink and spit the pancake out.

"Ew, zhan that's disgusting!"

Their day one suddenly got ruined by the burnt pancakes of wang yibo that what he called as black pancakes🤦🏻‍♀️

📌 I'm serious, don't be a racist☺️

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