chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen | In Wang Yibo's apartment

The plan of xiao zhan going to the grocery was postponed as wang yibo didn't let him go out of his apartment after they both recovered from the awkward accident.

Wang yibo locked the door and his window and he hide the keys that wang yibo only knew where he hide it.

Xiao Zhan was currently imprisoned in Wang Yibo's apartment, he didn't even knew wang Yibo's reason.

As of now, Wang Yibo was inside of his Bedroom while Xiao zhan was left alone in the living room. He tried to escape but the windows and door are lock, so he just gave up.

He roamed around the apartment silently, this is his first time visiting Wang Yibo's apartment since wang yibo befriended him.

Wang Yibo's apartment was bigger and nicer than him and now he was wondering why wang yibo like to go to his apartment if he has a nicer one.

If he could just ask wang yibo if he's willing to exchange their apartment-----

Xiao zhan's stomach suddenly grumble, he caressed it and sighed.

"Arghhh... I'm hungry..." He whinned.

Xiao zhan decided to went to wang Yibo's kitchen, looking something to eat.

When he reached to the kitchen, he immediately went to the fridge and opened it but he was welcomed by nothing.

Wang yibo has a huge and looks very expensive fridge but Empty.

Xiao zhan closes the fridge and look to the cabinets but he can also find dust.

Xiao zhan also wondered where the hell did wang yibo putted his plates, spoons, fork, knives and glasses as he can't see it when he was doing a inspection of wang Yibo's kitchen.

"What are you doing?" A voice startled on xiao zhan, he immediately turned around and was faced by wang yibo.

"Looking something to eat." He answered.

"You can eat me." Wang yibo said.

Xiao zhan choked on his own saliva and throws a disgust look on wang yibo.

Xiao Zhan's phone suddenly ringing inside of his pocket pulled it outside from his pocket.

Xiao zhan saw the caller's ID and swipe to answer.

"Hello?" Xiao zhan said in sweet voice as a smile drew on his face.

Wang yibo frowned at him.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I'm not home." Xiao zhan said, leaning on the counter as the smile on his face never leave.

"Yes babe, I miss you too." Xiao zhan answered and giggled.

Wang yibo just watching him, annoyed from his smile as he recognized who called xiao zhan.

Obviously, its was his girlfriend.

Xiao zhan forgot about Wang yibo while talking to his girlfriend on the phone.

Wang yibo can't hold himself anymore and walked to xiao zhan, snatching the phone to his neighbor and put it on his ear.

"Wang yibo, you------"

"Hey, stop disturbing us. We're busy fucking each other. Bye." Wang yibo said to the phone with his deep voice.

"Who are you? Where's Xiao zhan--------toot toot toot"

Wang yibo ended the call and put Xiao Zhan's phone inside of his jeans not forgetting to also put it inside of his underwear.

Wang yibo shivered when he felt the coldness of the phone screen touches to his balls.

Xiao zhan's eyes widened in shocked, his mouth gaping like a fish while his hands was opening and closing as he wanted to get his phone back.

Did wang yibo just put his phone inside of his underwear?

"Using Cellphone is not allowed in my apartment."

Wang yibo said and left, leaving xiao zhan alone in the kitchen.

Xiao zhan stared at wang Yibo's back and slumped his body down to the floor, leaning his head to the cabinet under the counter as he sighed.

"I j-just want my p-phone back." He mumbled.

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