Chapter 28

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Chapter twenty-eight | Day two ; Somebody to you

Xiao zhan woke up when he heard noise outside from his apartment, he glanced at the LED clock on his nightstand as the time shows 2:15 am.

Xiao zhan tried to closes his eyes again, he went back on his deep slumber.


Xiao zhan's eyes immediately shoot open. He stood up and instantly went out to his room as he went closer to his apartment's window beside to his front door.


Xiao zhan gulped down and pecked at the curtains.

His eyes immediately widened when he saw a lot of people------No, his entire neighborhood was standing outside of his apartment with wang yibo who was holding a megaphone on his hand.

Wang yibo put closer the megaphone on his lips as he spoke. "ZhannnnnZhannn babyyyyy yohoooooo"

Xiao zhan immediately opened his window, "WHAT THE FUCK WANG YIBO!"

"Yeah you!" His entire neighborhood said and suddenly clapping their hands together that made xiao zhan more confused on what's happening.

"Yeah you!" They said again.

"Oh my god, what's happening?" Xiao xhan whispered to himself.

Wang yibo held the megaphone closer to his lips,
"I used to wanna be, living like there's only me~~
And now I spend my time, thinking 'bout a way to get you off my mind~"

"Yeah you!" His entire neighborhood said again as they clapping their hands.

"I used to be so tough, never really have enough. And then you caught my eye, giving me the feeling of a lighting strike." Wang yibo continued to sang.

Xiao zhan just more confused on what the hell was happening.

"YEAH YOU!" the entire neighborhood said. Xiao zhan gave them a confused look but they we're just smilling and clapping their hands, creating a Sound that fitted on what wang yibo was singing.

"Look at me now, I'm falling~
Can't even talk, still stuttering.
This ground of mine keeps shaking~ oh oh oh, now!" Wang yibo continue to sang again after his neighborhoods.

Their entire neighborhood suddenly raises their hands above as they continue clapping And they all continue the lyrics.

"All Wang yibo wanna be, All wang yibo ever wanna be yeah yeah is somebody to you~~~" they sang and repeated twice.

Xiao zhan eyes expanded more, his heart went wild as the unexplainable feeling was lingering inside of his stomach.


Wang yibo suddenly starts throwing a cutted paper hearts in Xiao Zhan's front yard.

"WANG YIBO STOP MESSING AROUND!!!!" xiao zhan shouted, he wanted to cry on what wang yibo was doing in the front of his apartment.

Looks like he need to wake up earlier tomorrow to sweep.

Wang yibo ignored him as he continue singing together with his back up, "everybody's trying to be a billionaire, but everytime I look at you I just don't care~~ cause all I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah yeah is somebody to you~~~~"

"yeah you!" His neighboorhoods added.

[ Song title: Somebody to you by: The Vamps ]

Xiao zhan opened his front door as he went out, crossing his arms on his chest and stared at the people who just performed a concert in front of his apartment in the late night.

"Xiao zhan hope you like it! Wang yibo payed us with a high price so you better like it even you don't like it! You don't have a choice but to like it." One of his neighborhood shouted in the crowd.

Xiao zhan jaw drop, Wang yibo just hired them to be his props of his concert?

But luckily, wang yibo has a nice voice or else xiao zhan will throws a frying pan on him to make him stop.

Wang yibo just disturbed his sleeping.

"Of course, he will like it because he loves me." Wang yibo said, smirking to himself.

The neighboorhoods cheered on him that made xiao zhan mentally faceplamed. Such a thick face.

"Wang yibo get inside and all of you, go back to your home." Xiao zhan said, he was really touched and appreciated wang yibo but now he was just sleepy.

"See that? He loves me now!" Wang yibo said, pointing to himself as the entire neighborhood cheered him again, obviously supporting wang Yibo's craziness even he wasn't paying it.

"Yibo!" Xiao zhan called out.

"Guys, you can go back now. Thank you very much!" Wang yibo said to his neighborhoods.

"We're just here for you yibo if you want a back up!'

Xiao zhan called him again as wang yibo shooed the entire neighboorhoods away.

"Did you like it, zhan?" Wang yibo asked, leaning his face to xiao zhan.

Xiao zhan stared back at yibo as he suddenly lost at his Neighbor's eyes.

Wang yibo connected their lips as xiao zhan immediately kissed him back.

OmO i just kissed Wang Yibo back, What the hell !!!!!

Xiao zhan leaned his back to the opened door and snakes his arms to wang Yibo's neck.


Xiao zhan immediately pushed wang yibo away from him and looked on the outside.

His entire neighboorhoods was still there and squealing at wang yibo and xiao zhan.

"STOP RUINING OUR MOMENT!!" Wang yibo screamed, slamming the door closed.

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