huh you have a stand too? || DiU x fem!reader

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Notes: happening in 1999, imagine you have some Japanese blood and your Japanese side of the family lives in a little town called Morioh. Also, technically I haven't seen part 4 (as of 7/8/20 when I'm publishing this) so a lot of character traits are based off of what I've seen on YouTube and other fanfictions. If I'm inaccurate I'm sorry!! I will get to watching DiU soon lol

Word Count: ~1600


Your grandparents are getting up there in age and need some extra help with the family business. It's an American supply shop named, A-Mart, and it surprisingly thrives in the town. You would think that no one wants some candy jewelry or ring pops, but people want what they want. And anyways, your family's store has been selling American snacks since the 70s. If it's enough to be a business you guess  it works. Your parents have tried to convince your grandparents to hire at least some part time high schoolers to help run the store, but they're quite stubborn and like having it family run and owned. So you and your parents move to Japan until your grandparents are convinced to hire a couple employees, and your parents are convince your family will be okay.

~~~ Skip to your first day of school ~~~

'i hope the people are nice' you dwell on while walking to your new school. As you walk up the front of the school you see tons of high schoolers in uniform.

'wow, everyone looks the same' You think some of the girls are whispering about you but you brush it off. It's just first day jitters, right?

"OI JOSUKE!" you hear from the hallways as you walk in the front doors.

"OKUYASU MY BRO" a reply is shouted from the opposite end of the hallway by a teen with a pompadour, at and equally loud volume.

A third voice bellows over the two other voices, "Higashikata! Nijimura! School has not even started and the both of you are already starting trouble? At least lower your voices this early in the morning..."

"Sorry teach!" The both of them say and bow. The second teen has an x shaped scar across his face.

Looking down at your map and papers you realize you have no clue where you're supposed to go, so you head over to the two boys to ask.  'they seem nice enough'

"Hey I'm excuse me?" You start, "i'm new here, where should I go, or at least, where's a student service center?" (A/N: at my high school that's where you go for anything basically, idk what else to call it lol)

"Oh cool! We could walk you over to the front office.  From there they should get you to the principal." The pompadour teen replies

"For real? That would be really great. I'm not sure how to navigate this place either with all the stories."

"No problem! Well, I'm Josuke,"

"And I'm Okuyasu"

They bring you to the front office and you receive a schedule, a locker number and code, and some general paperwork for you and your parents to fill out.

"Welcome (Y/N), I hope your first goes well and the rest of the time you spend at Budogaoka" the principal said to you.

"Thank you very much principal" you reply and bow.

Heading to your first class, you're worried the teacher will be mad that you're late on the first day.  Surprising to you, they're not, and they tell you to introduce yourself to the class.

"Class! HEY! Listen up everybody! We have a new student today.  Please give her your attention!"

The class bursts out screaming and yelling over themselves many questions at once:

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