body image || josuke x reader

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I am not saying anything to downplay or trying to romanticize eating disorders, body image disorders, etc. This is more of a rant fic for me so if you're struggling in some way please talk to someone because that's better than what I'm doing.

Update: when I originally started writing this I felt really bad and I thought I should have to feel bad because my friends always hyped me up that I look great and they'd compliment me, as friends do, we do that for all of our friends. Now I'm feeling better tho after talking to a friend and just being more comfortable with what I look like.

Another Update: This was an idea that came up during the beginning of quarantine because it was really rough and different and weird so I got bored and decided what can I do and that was not a good decision on my part so again it's more of a rant fic

+ i tried to make this gender neutral becasue I know everyone can struggle with self image and appearance

Word Count: ~ 1000


3rd POV

"DANG (Y/N) YOUR BENTO LOOKS REALLY GOOD TODAY!!" Okuyasu exclaims "Man, I wish you brought more so your could share, that omelet looks delicious."

"Oh, would you like a piece anyways? I'm not too hungry so I don't think a few pieces to share would hurt." You reply, already handing over a piece of egg.

"Thanks, (Y/N)!" Okuyasu replies, already stuffing the egg into his mouth. "WOW (Y/N), this is DELICIOUS! Your mom knows how to cook, that's for sure!"

"Actually, that's me," they say laughing, "I'm learning more about cookng from my mom though so you can thank her for passing the talent on"

Definitely! The next time we come over, ask your mom to cook a lot for us!"

"Will do!"

Conversation continues until the last 5 minutes of lunch period.  The whole period, Josuke notices that you haven't touched you food except for a few bites of rice, one small peice of chicken, and the vegetables.  

'weird' He thinks to himself, 'usually (Y/N) would be finished with lunch by now. Maybe we're just talking a lot today, but now that I think about it, when was the last time they actually finished their lunch within the period?'

"Alright guys, I'll be back, let me go fill up my water bottle"

Josuke grabs your wrist as you stand up, his thoughts interrupted by the sound of the chair rubbing against the floor.

'why us her wrist so thin?' he thinks to himself, still holding on to your wrist. Everyone looks expectantly at him, wondering why he's still holding on.

"Oh sorry (Y/N), I was uh- wondering where you were going. Lunch is almost over."

"Didn't you hear her Josuke? She's just refilling her water bottle." Koichi speaks first. Josuke finally let's go of her wrist. The rest of the gang looks at him weird but his thoughts are still preoccupied by his suspicion of what's going on with (Y/N). 

He decides to text them about it:

JS: hey, can I talk to you after school near the trees with benches near the entrance?

He gets a reply right away.

(Y/N): Yeah, sure but it's got to be pretty quick, I need to get home to do homework. I just got a big chemistry lab I have to write up today. 

JS: Alright, see you there ✌️

~~~ Time skip to after school ~~~
(J=Josuke, y=(Y/N), O=Okuyasu, K=Koichi, Y=Yukako because this is going to be a lot of talking back and forth)

They sit under the tree awkwardly.

J: You know you can tell me if something's wrong, right, (Y/N)?

y: Yeah I know

J: So, have you been eating alright?

y: ..yes

A month ago
y: Hey guys have y'all ever heard of subliminals?
O: lmao no wot is that dude
J: nah man that sounds like some science tho
K: I do know what they are but I haven't used them
O: huh?? how do you know Koichi?
J: the kid is smart duh
O: fr tho
Y: How do you think I maintain my wonderful hair? Of course I know (idk if yukako is very proud of her hair im barely just starting part 4 rn TT)
K: Yeah also because Yukako plays them out loud sometimes.
y: aight so im gonna assume they work good because Yukakooooo your hair is fiiiiiine
Y: thank you thank you but also thank the argon oil and coconut oil
O: why would you put oil in your hair????

A couple weeks ago
J: y'all are we tryna hit up the arcade and get some snacks after?? It's the freakin weekend
O: im on my way already buddy see you there
K: I can go in like an hour, I have to finish this English report due Monday
y: I can go for games but I can't do snacks man. I be spending too much money on DigDug
J: aww it's okay you're not good at them game~ we can spot you tho on some snacks man
y: nah is good, I can save it for more DigDug hahaha

Last weekend
y: Ah I'll just get a water and some house salad
K: Are you sure you don't want anything else, (Y/N)?
y: Yeah I'm alright
J: I mean I could give you a few bites of my pastaaa~ It's Tonios of course~
y: Nah it's okay Josuke

"And those are just a few examples to why I'm a little worried. Also, when I grabbed your wrist today it seems a lot smaller than before- not that I grab your wrist all the time! It just felt smaller than I would have thought." Josuke finishes.

(Y/N) sits there, hands together, head down. Josuke gives you a minute

"Oh my god i'm really sorry, Josuke, I sound stupid right now" They say, burring their head in their hands.  

Josuke leans over and puts an arm around their shoulder. "Don't worry, (Y/N), I'm hear to support you.  You are beautiful just the way you are. I will definitely text you and remind you to eat and drink lots of water"

They lean together and sit in silence for a few minutes.

"Thank you Josuke," they start, "Also, can you not tell Okuyasu, Koichi or Yukako, I don't really want them worrying about me or want them to ask me questions about it"

"Of course (Y/N), thank you for telling me how you feel, I will always support you. Are you hungry right now? We can go get something at Tonio's~"

"Y'know, I feel a little better and I kind of do want the (favorite pasta dish). It's been while since I've had it."

"Alright! Let's go!" 

He pulls you up with one hand and together you start walking to Tonio's.


A/N: hi yes ending rushed but college has been poopy and home stuff is also poopy and corona is poopy so I shit myself everyday just kidding I mean metaphorically yes I do but yes

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