this is a dream chapter yes >>

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okay so literally i had a dream about jojo like i aint even joking fr doe it was pt 4 and we went to go see a movie BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE and that is the best part guess the movie lmaooooooooo but so I only remember the end part which is when we go sit down to see the movie and what movie it was so there will be some improvisation at the beginning but ill let yall know when it's the part I remember agagagaggagaagaggag and Idk how I'm gonna write this I think I'm just going to use whatever POV uses "I" and "me" bruh this might not even be a fan fic aight I'm just gonna do what ever


So I'm leading the group of people of pt 4 people like a mix of adults and kids and obviously Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi are there.  I assume Yukako and Rohan are there too maybe?? But anyways I lead them to the front row seats of the movie. The thing is the movie is projected and we're not facing the movie, which I found dumb, even dream state me was like what the fuck why are we sideways lmao.. so we have to look left to see the movie. It's like in class when you're not facing the whiteboard or whatever and you have to awkwardly turn to see the front of the class to see the teacher.

The movie theater I guess you can call it (because honestly it looked more like a ballroom/gym/big open room) was filled with chairs all in the same fashion. There was a walkway in the middle so no chair there but it was some people who had to look right and left (us) to see the movie. 

Anywyas, so I lead them to their seats, Okuyasu was super hype and wanted to see the movie really bad so he was at the front of the line and got a seat really close to the wall where the movie was being projected onto. Josuke was the last person to sit because he didn't really want to be there, and Koichi was away for the moment for some reason. So after everyone was seated I sat at the end next to Josuke, Koichi wasn't back from whatever he was doing,  I was really tired like pass out of exhaustion tired so as soon as I sat down I started to drift. (And if you don't know me in real life you know it doesn't take much for me to fall asleep. I slept through at least half of every class senior year sooooooooo)

So as I was falling asleep on Josuke because I was like leaning towards the only other person sitting next to me (there was a spot saved for Koichi on the other side of me because first come first serve seating) and like it panned out to like an anime-like scene of Josuke like bruh okay she's tired I guess she can lean on me sort of shizz ya feel, so then Koichi comes back with a blanket and popcorn, sees me falling asleep, and lays the blanket on top of me, to which I snuggle into the blanket. All while Shrek is playing on the projector. 

Weird thing tho is that Josuke was wearing a white coat like Jotaro in part 4 but he had is pompadour so it had to be Josuke right? Kinda sus but idk

IN SHORT: I had a dream I fell asleep on Josuke and Koichi gave me a blanket while everyone watched Shrek. 

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