[rq] || Stroheim x fem!reader

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(A/N: I like Mulan so I'll model this off of the story line of Mulan not really lol but aha aha i;m really sorry if this isnt exactly what you wanted and if there's not enough fluff) Also if I get some general knowedge from the eopisodes wrong im v sorry too TT 

Edit: i forgot to tag you, but i know you read it MartinBolseiro thank you for the kind words !! :D

Word Count: ~ 650


"General Stroheim!" (Y/N) grabs Stroheim's attention.

"Yes, Dr. (L/N)?" He is in the main observation room, watching the lone Pillarman.

"I need your advice on the Pillarman here and the Pillarmen in Rome."

"Let's hear it then! Is everything going well with the general observations as of now?"

"Yes, there is no movement or signs of life from this one, and I haven't heard from the Rome branch in a few weeks. Perhaps I should send a letter in hopes they'll write back soon?"

"Sure, though I'm assuming that if this one hasn't awaken, then the others haven't"

"Um, General? Do you think they will wake up within our time?"

"Who knows, (Y/N), I want them to wake up and with German technology they will indeed!!"

The bell through the compound rings signaling the start of the next shift.  Guards and scientists flood the room. 

"I need to get back to my position, General-" While walking back to your desk someone bumps into you and your hat falls off, long locks of (h/c) falling.  

"General! She is a woman!"

"Yes, and?"

"How could you defend her!? She snuck in the army and has seen too much!"

"Send her to the cells!"

"Kill her!"

Knowing at the bottom of your gut you knew this might happen one day. Fully accepting the consequences being yelled, you begin to walk to the middle of the room. 

"Yes, I am a woman! My real name is (Y/N) (L/N) and everything you've said now is true. I snuck in the army to protect my family from being sent away or taken to jail. One male from each family has to go and represent the family.  My father is weak from working in the fields all day for years, providing for our family. My younger brother is 10 years old which I thought was way too young to be going off to war and becoming a meat shield.  I know I had the brains from going to school and my own independent studies to go into the science and mathematics department.  

The room is quiet as the rest of the men are either disgusted or surprised by the thought of a woman achieving such greatness in science and mathematics.  

Stroheim walks forward and places a hand our your shoulder.  He turns to face you, "I know what great things you've done for Germany, let me help you in return."

Now facing the rest of the soldiers, scientists, and guards, "I AM THE HIGHEST RANKED PERSON IN THIS  COMPOUND RIGHT NOW. I ORDER EVERYONE TO TREAT DR. (L/N) WITH THE SAME RESPECT AS ANY ORDINARY DR." Everyone looks amongst each other in confusion, until a "yes General!" is heard, followed by a wave of "yes General!"s.  

Stroheim smiles back at you. Overcome with emotion you wrap your arms around him, hugging tightly and mumbling, "thank you thank you thank you so much General, you don't know how much you've saved me"

"Don't worry dear (Y/N)


Extra bc I feel like there's not enough fluff TT:

"Stop moving, Rudol!! I can't fix your eye and abdomen if you keep moving!!"

"But (Y/N)! There is something else you must fix for me!"

"Huh? But all you damaged was the mechanics?"

"No! I need a kiss to heal my heart~"

"Oh alright, you're so romantic, you know that~" 

You lean in for a quick peck on the cheek but Stroheim turns his head so it's on the lips. He smiles smugly as if to say "aha gotcha" and you're a blushing mess.

"R-Rudol! let m-me finish your r-repairs!"

"Of course ,(Y/N), thank you" he says smiling. 


bruh i feel like this was bad but i really thank u for the request! <3

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