soup and spells || jonathan x witch!reader

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I really like the idea of reader being a witch and stuff cause that's cute and shizz but yeah I wanted to try my hand at writing something like that too after reading a bunch lol

Word Count: ~800


3rd POV

'oh dear, it looks like it'll rain this afternoon'  you thought to yourself, 'i'd better set out some buckets for some rainwater, oh! And pick some more blossoms before the rain washes them away, busy busy busy...'

Yes, you are a witch. Not one of those cursing, poisoning, chaotic witches. No, you are more of a garden or kitchen witch, using nature and household items to cast charms and other things like that. But everyone categorizes witches as the same evil being, so it's difficult to go up to someone, saying you are a witch. But, being a witch in a small town  is not as bad as it could be. You've heard from friends and family in letters, that they must stay completely hidden.

Here, in this little town, you are careful, not saying you're a witch, but also being friendly and occasionally bringing baked goods to some of your friends. They're all very nice and have even visited your cottage in the woods a few times.

At 20 years old, you have grown into a responsible young woman.

After doing all your daily chores and prepping because of the rain, it is lunch so you decide to make some soup with some of the ingredients you've collected from outside.

'soup is always nice on a rainy day'

As you're cooking, you hear a knock on your door.

"Excuse me, hello? Is anyone home?" You hear a man's voice ask. Cautiously walking up to a window, you wonder who it is. None of your friends said they would be stopping by, and the fact it is raining, only someone crazy would walk out into the rain. Peeking through a little slit in the curtains, it is none other than Jonathan Joestar.

'what is someone, nonetheless, the Joestar boy doing out at this time?' you think. He looks cold and lost so you let him in.

"Thank you so much, it looks really stormy out and I was afraid I wouldn't make it home before it would begin to rain." He says while glancing at the stove, the soup still cooking.

"It's no problem Mr. Joestar-"

"Ah! Please just call me Jonathan. And..."

"(Y/N). Would you care for a bowl of soup? It is getting a bit chilly out there with the storm blowing in."

"If it's no trouble"

You hand him a bowl of soup, garnished with some fresh herbs.

"Thank you very much, (Y/N)!"

Sitting down across the small table, you two begin to engage in conversation. You hear about stuff you'd already heard from your friends, and you learn a little bit of what actually goes on behind those big gates around the mansion.

"Thanks again for everything (Y/N), I do have one more question"

"And what would that be?"

"You wouldn't happen to be (Y/N), the witch of this forest?"

"Um," you start, 'crap! He's a nice guy so I don't think he'll report it? But I'd better see if he'll be genuine about keeping my identity on the down low' 

"so what if I am? Will you report it to the authorities?" You reply, a little worried he might run off. For someone of that stature and athletic figure, you're sure he could outrun even a horse.

He looks at you surprised. "No no no no no! Don't get me wrong, I was just wondering because a few of my friends have talked about a witch named, (Y/N) living in the woods. From the way they described you, I thought you might have been a lot older.." he trails off.

"Because baking, gardening, and knitting are such old lady things to do" you tease back.

"Ah! I don't mean it that way! I'm very sorry if I offended you, especially after you've treated me to a delicious lunch!"

"I'm just teasing Jonathan, don't worry" you answer, laughing at his worried face.  

A comfortable silence falls between you two and you guys just enjoy each others company for the afternoon.  Soon after, the rain slows down and comes to a stop.  Jonathan stands up. 

"It's getting late, and the rain has stopped, I should get going or father will wonder where I've wondered off to.  Thank you again for the shelter and lunch, (Y/N)!"

"It's no problem, here, let me send you off with a few cookies I made yesterday"

"Ah! It's okay (Y/N)! You should enjoy what you've made" He says while waving his hands. 

"Jonathan, it's okay, take the cookies" you say while packing a variety, so he can share with his family. 'I hope this is enough for you and your family.' you think, giving him the small bundle.  He graciously takes it and heads towards the door. 

"Goodbye Jonathan. Maybe come visit me again when you have the time."

"I shall take on that offer, goodbye (Y/N)."






BRUHhhhhh I just want witchtok vibes man that shit is aesthetic af

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