huh you have a stand too? pt.2 || SdC x fem!reader

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omg it's been too long and i lost a lot of motivation and time to write because of family stuff but after seeing the one comment from KaBloomio it really got me thinking of a part 2. tysm for the inspiration!

So after doing some research I've come up with that (Y/N)'s stand in this is Feng Po Po, or Madame Wind, the Chinese goddess of the wind.  I kind of was thinking along the lines of what stand has wind and is some god or deity because of the 9 Egyptian gods SdC face after the tarot cards.  

Word Count: ~800


continuing from right where the last chapter left off...

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Oh my honey are you okay!? are you hurt!?" Your parents rush to your side after all the commotion had died down. 

"Yes, mom, dad, I'm okay. I hid behind a table"

"Don't scare us like that again, (Y/N)! You'll give us both a fright! You're our only daughter."

----- later that night -----

"I'll be back soon! I'm going to go get a few vegetables for dinner. be back soon!" You call out to your parents.  

"Alright honey, stay safe! Especially because it's night time"

Heading to the night market you quickly find the vegetables you need.  Buying them and placing them into your bag, in the corner of your eye you see your favorite stall.  Hearing your stomach rumble you think to yourself, 'oh a snack wont hurt.. and I'll get to catch up with (F/N)'

"Hey (F/N)!" you shout, weaving through the crowds of people. "Can I get 1 dan tat?"

"Hi (Y/N)! It's been awhile!" They say while waving.  "Here, take a few, free of charge for your mom and dad"

"Oh no, that's okay-"

"Little lady, I'd take that offer from your friend. A treat is good every now and then, especially hard working parents, which I'm assuming yours are" You glance up to where the voice came from.  A tall sailor with a red handkerchief tied around his neck is the source of the voice.  

Your friend quickly responds, seeing the look of confusion on your face.  "Captain! Don't worry, I'll sneak some into her bag somewhere" The Captain laughs along with (F/N).  

"I'm sorry to be so rude at our first meeting." The Captain faces you. "I am Captain Tennille. Me and my crew are on a journey across the world and we had to stop in Hong Kong for a couple days to stock up on supplies and rest."

Sticking out your hand, you reply, "Nice to meet you, I'm (Y/N) (L/N)."

You chat with the both of them for awhile, catching up with the new drama in (F/N)'s family and of Captian Tennille's travels and love for the ocean. Soon it gets dark and you beginning to take your leave.

"Thanks again for the extra dan tat, (F/N)! and yes! I really do have them! I didn't sneak it back like last time!"

"Alright, (Y/N), see you soon! Do visit the market more often!"

"(Y/N), would you like me to take you home? it is getting quite dark." Captain Tennille offers. 

Politely declining you try to leave but insisting he do walk you home your friend adds, "Captain! have (Y/N) show you her family's restaurant! Maybe you and your crew could have a meal there tomorrow"

"Good idea, (F/N). So, (Y/N)?"

Sighing, you agree to the arrangement.  Walking to the restaurant you explain before he asks, yes the restaurant is close to the house so it wont be too long of a walk.  Arriving at the restaurant Captain asks, "Why does it look charred on the inside?"

Knowing that saying a flaming chicken set the interior on fire because it was fighting floating armor and a sword would make you seem crazy, you settle for, "Well, a couple of crazy tourists started something and that led to a fire.  Luckily, no one was hurt, but it will be a bit of money for repairs and replacing furniture."

"Ah I see" he replies, but you catch his eye and it seems he knows something more than that happened.  

Beginning to feel a little unsafe you say, "You don't have to take me home from here, my house is right down the block. I'm sure your crew must be wondering where their captain is too. Thank you anyways." You start to walk in the direction of our house, gradually speeding up, the further away you get.  Hearing foot steps catching up you turn around and the Captain is right behind you. 

"(Y/N)," he begins, "I can't let you return home"

"w-why not?" You ask, scared. 'this is the kind of person my parents said to look out for i'm so stupid'

"I know you know and have a Stand."

"A what? I think you are crazy sir, I'm going to go home now." You say while walking around your house but not actually going inside.  Trying to lead him off your tail, eventually you get cornered from not paying attention.  

"(Y/N). You can come with me peacefully or by force."  

Knowing your odds against a man that is taller, stronger, and faster, you still try to out run him.  Slipping around his side you run out of the alley and feel a moment of success until everything goes black.  


part 3 coming soon! i actually have a lot of ideas for this now lol and the chapters will definitely get longer (like in the thousands :D) so look forward to that!!!!

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