cherry boy || kakyoin x fem!reader

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This'll take place when they're like super young grade school, like 2nd/3rd grade sort of.

Word Count: ~750


3rd POV

After school, Kakyoin had just been picked up by his mom. They were driving home.

"Kakyoin, sweetie," she started. "Your teacher called me today during recess and is worried that you're not making any friends. I know your a very shy boy, but can you make a friend-"

"I do have a friend! It's Greenie!" (Pretend he didn't know what hierophant green's real name was because what 7 year old knows what a hierophant is??) kakyoin exclaimed for who knows how many times. Ever since the green humanoid figure showed up a few years ago, kakyoin had been trying to tell his parents about him. They thought it was just a phase, an imaginary friend, but he's real. It's just he is the only person he knows to see it.

"I know honey, but not everyone can see Greenie. Can you try and make a friend at school, for mommy?"

"I try mama, but people don't like to talk to me either. I don't think anybody likes me."

~~~ The next day ~~~

"Alright class, we have a new transfer student! First, before anyone asks: they are a girl, they are from America, yes they speak Japanese.  Please give her your attention!" The teacher says, gesturing to a little girl with hair buns.

"Hi, I'm (L/N) (Y/N), please take care of me!"

"Class?" The teacher starts, hinting at what the rest of the students should say.

"Welcome to our class (L/N)-chan!" A bunch of 2nd graders shout.

"Thank you for that warm welcome class. Now, (L/N)-chan, why do you sit right in that empty spot next to Kakyoin. Please raise your hand Kakyoin."

He raises his hand and (Y/N) happily skips over to sit to the cherry-haired boy.

"Hi, my name is (Y/N) (L/N)"

"I'm Kakyoin Noriyaki"

"Let's be friends Kakyoin!"

Before he can reply, the teacher calls attention for the class to begin.

~~~ after class, beginning of lunch ~~~

Kakyoin gets up out of his seat and begins to move his desk.  The rest of the class is doing the same and the class president is helping bring and set up the food trays.  To his right he sees (Y/N) awkwardly standing and watching what the class is doing.  

"Umm.. Kakyoin?" (Y/N) starts, "What's going on?"

"It's lunch time so we move our desks in groups and get our food at the front of class"

"Ohhh that's why everyone is moving! This is kind of fun!"

"Do you eat lunch differently in America?"

"Yeah! We go in a big gym room called the 'cafeteria' and lunch ladies serve us food. Then we sit with our class at big tables."

"Wow, that sounds very different.. Here, move your desk next to mine so it's in the group"


~~~ afterschool ~~~

"Your hair is really pretty"

"Thank you"

"It reminds me of the color of cherries. Do you like cherries? I like cherries a lot.  You can eat them in pie, on a sundae, oh! or even pick them right off the tree and eat it, those are the best......." (Y/N) rambles happily, completely absorbed into which way to eat cherries is the best way.  Kakyoin blushes and realizes that this girl really wants to be his friend.  He listens to her talk for another few minutes until he starts hearing English.  Even though English classes have been mandatory since 1st grade, there's only so much you can teach in a school year or so.  

"Ah, (Y/N) my mom is here. I'll see you tomorrow" He slowly walks to his mom's car, not really wanting to go home yet.  

"Okay! Bye bye cherry boy!" Kakyoin blushes and hurries to the car.  

In the car ride home, Kakyoin's mom notices the boy isn't so sad.  

"Honey, how was school today?" 

"It was good." He replies, smiling to himself. 

She'd never seen her son smile about the thought of school so prying a bit, "Did something good happen today? You seem happy"

"Yes! A new transfer student came today and we became friends"

His mom was overjoyed. Her son had made a friend!

"You have to let me meet them sometime! Tell me about your new friend"

"Well," Kakyoin starts, "They're an anerican exchange student and them seem really nice.  She likes the color of my hair and cherries!"

Kakyoin goes on and talks the whole car ride home.  His mom is relieved that he finanly made a friend.


Im sorry there's a lot of time skips lol and the ending kind of sucks

lmk if yall want a part two because i have a few ideas!

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