instagram || Modern!AU reader

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bc im a stupid poopy head aha aha and i want to go outside amirite also this song is a bop + Blue D. and I.M. covers are god tier I stan

modernAU where all jojos from all parts exists like literally everyone at the same time

Word Count: ~600


11:48 pm

'Fuck, I can't think anymore, stupid fucking essay like I hate online classes..." you think to yourself. Groaning to get up and get ready for bed you stand up from your desk, which is actually a table, cluttered with papers, pencils, laptop, and random binders. Ah yes, the glory of school fully virtual. 

12:06 am

After brushing teeth, stretching, and turning off the lights you lay down in bed with your phone. Since you're busy all day the only time you really go on social media is at night before bed. Logging onto TikTok for at least half an hour you scroll endlessly looking at Among Us clips, cosplay videos, and life hacks. 

12:53 am

You log onto Pinterest, the second social media app you check. Nothing new, nothing too exciting. 

1:24 am

You log onto Instagram, the last app for the night. 

'It's getting kind of late, maybe only for like ten minutes or so, I have a 9 am class anyways.'

Scrolling through the feed and endless stories:

'why the fuck is Dio, Kars, and Diavolo all hanging out istg it's Corona time'
'okay so that's why they were talking about meeting up in the gc'
'literally, the audacity to go on Tinder after their last relationship didn't go well'
'aww that's cute they adopted a dog. Maybe that's Danny Jr. bless up'
'bruh I'm tired of their story please post something other than political stuff like I get it but also hello I'm already not voting for Valentine'

Realizing it's a little past 1:30 am you decide to log off and try to fall asleep.

1:59 am

'well fuck my left toe' you think, deciding well fuck it more Instagram I guess

I know tomorrow is coming // But I can't let go of my phone // Sleep just isn't coming to me, yeah // So I'm on Instagram, Instagram again

For some reason the 2 am vibe is to put on stories memories of the last few years. 

Jonathan posts an old picture of him and Dio in high school from a couple of years ago winning the homecoming game. Joseph posts a video of him screaming and running away from Ceasar at lunch. Jotaro posts a picture of his group of friends, the Stardust Crusaders + Joseph photo bombing in the back. Josuke posts a video compilation of him and Okuyasu recreating vines.  Giorno makes an appreciation post for all his best friends in the Italian Club.  Jolyne posts a video of her, Ermes, and FF at a sleepover all screaming and saying #Jolyneinjailparty.  Johnny posts a picture of him with the Equestrian Club at a race.  Gappy posts a picture of him and all his friends, but you can't make out who because the picture is blurry and way too dark. 

So many hotshots here // Some are on vacation // I didn't press like // Cuz it feels like I'm the only one like this // Inside Instagram, Instagram

'Damn, remember all the good times before the pandemic. Screw Valentine lmao that mf ain't done nothing'

It's a problem // In the whole world // It's the same love song // But it doesn't touch me // In my night // There are too many thoughts


sorry this is kind of short, I'm working on a few stories rn but I've been busy with school and some home stuff so I haven't had time to sit and write, but who else feels the same man, idk bout yall in other countries but in the US its kinda dumb dumb ooga booga poop bc it's become more of a political tool than actual caring for the American population. like ay yo can we just be safe and not die and stuff like be careful everyone out there too 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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