prom dress || josuke x fem!reader

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Aight this goes out to all my 2020 high school seniors who didn't get their prom this year. I feel for y'all man bc this sucks with corona and everything. Mine was supposed to be may 9. WBU guys? 

The venue and stuff there is gonna be based off of my junior year experiencing because I was lucky enough to go then, so kind of what happens within the story will be like 2020 vibes/modernAU.  

+ i mean mxmtoon prom dress is a bop

Also, no hate to anyone named Jason and Summer lmao they're just random names I came up with at the time.  

Mild/medium cursing towards the end vv

Word Count: ~1400


3rd POV

"Brooo who are you gonna ask to prom??? You know it's like next week man." Okuyasu asked while walking to 1st period with Josuke.

"Dude, i don't even know to be honest" he replied, thinking to himself, ' fuck man, I can't believe I waited this long cause now (Y/N) is going with Jason.'

"Hey, earth to Josuke" Okuyasu says, waving his hands in front of Josuke's face.  

Josuke snaps out of his thoughts.  "w-what yeah man I'm totally looking forward to prom.  We're gonna eat all the snacks aha!!"

"Dude literally best idea ever!! I heard Tonios catering too!"

"No way, then we definitely have to bring containers to save some"

"Already ahead of ya man"

The bell rings as the boys enter the class. They quickly sit down to avoid a scolding from their already short tempered teacher.  


The bros + Koichi and Yukako arrive at the venue. Thanking Tomoko for driving them all there, everyone exits the car and waves. 

"Now you kids be responsible, alright? I don't want to get any calls that one of you got kicked out and I have to come pick you up early. And remember to stay safe! Don't set your drinks down because someone might slip something in it-"

"Okay okay mom, we got it. We'll watch each other's backs. You don't have to worry."  

"I know, but you can never be too safe. Kids these days.." Tomoko sighs. "Hey wait! before you guys leave let me take a picture of this! You'll want to remember this moment when you get older!"

"Mom, really? We have to go get in line before it get-"

Yukako interrupts, "OMG Ms. Higashikata!! That is such a great idea this is going to be so cute!!" 

"See, at least one of your friends has some common sense. Okay, get closer, this camera is kind of small."

"Everybody say cheese!" Okuyasu says enthusiastically.  


"Nice! Now you kids go on ahead, I've stalled enough"

Tomoko gets back in her car and drives off as the high schoolers walk towards the main entrance of the venue.  

The school rented out a nice country club. A long line of people were already qued up and waiting to enter. Towards the front of the line, Josuke sees (Y/N) and her date.  With a pang of jealousy, he looks away and focuses on the friends he's hanging out with.  What he doesn't know is that (Y/N) is looking back at Josuke as well.  

Everyone finally gets in after a breathalyzer test and checking in.

As soon as they walk deeper in the country club, there's a chocolate fondue fountain with strawberries, bread, and marshmallows laid out and ready to be eaten. On the side where the bar would normally be, lay platters of brownies and lemon bars stacked high.  There's a photo station for professional prom pictures right past that.  Even farther into the country club is the dance floor and DJ, already filled with tons of people and loud music.  

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