royal!AU pt.1 || Jonathan x fem!reader x Dio

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I been watching a lot of those tiktoks man and its very much making me inspired. I have read alot of he royal princessy stuff but i"m still not sure about a lot of the style so sorry if it's kinda wacky lol

Rosas is a random name so yes

Word Count: ~ 1050


"The ball! The ball! Prepare the castle for the ball!" All the people in the castle run around singing. The day is April 20, XXXX and it is a very special day. Decorations are being put up all around the walls and ceiling. The dining and silverware are being polished.  The floors are being mopped and shined.  And the King of this castle sits on his throne, seeing all.  

"My King, the mail was checked this morning, I'm afraid no letter from the Joestars yet"

"Well, check again! King George Joestar must have sent something! We've been friends since childhood! He wouldn't miss this event for the world! Go, NOW!"

"y-yes your majesty"

As the mail boy scrambles off, (Y/N) walks up to her father. 

"Father, do you not think I am still too young to court someone?"

"Nonsense, (Y/N), eighteen is considered an adult. You must also think of the future of the kingdom. We need to secure you a King just in case. Your old man is getting old and tired, plus the kingdom needs new leadership and ideas."

"But why can't I lead? I'm more than capable and even help with some of your duties-"

"(Y/N), ruling is a lot harder than filling out taxes and paperwork."

"I know, I just wish, so I don't have to get married to anyone."

"It is a lot of pressure, but don't worry, I've invited plenty of young men from neighboring kingdoms and other nobles. Why don't you start getting ready? It's only a few hours before the guests will start to arrive" 

Catching the drift that the conversation is over, she excuses herself and goes to her room where her best friend and head lady, (F/N), and some maids are waiting.

"C'mon (Y/N), you're gonna find a man tonight!" (F/N) exclaims.

The rest of the maids agree and giggle along and usher (Y/N) inside.

"So," (F/N) starts, "I think first because it's your birthday

"Everybody, you know how I'm still doing my research and analysis on the broad subject of Nature. I don't have the time for someone right now. Also, I'm just not that interested."

"Nonsense! You can multitask!" All the girls break out in laughter. 

"You guys are funny wow how I'm laughing so hard" (Y/N) says sarcastically.

"Anyways, go take a bath and we'll get everything out. See you in a bit"

After the relaxing bath and getting nice and clean, (Y/N) comes out to the girls prepping makeup, hair products, and bringing out the dress.

"Wow, is that really what I'm wearing tonight?" she asks, astounded by its beauty.

"Yes, Tailor Rosas made it with the help of Lady Erina."

"Ooo she knew what she was doing, asking Rosas to help"

"I know, right!? It looks amazing"

----- magical wave of a wand and now hair, make up, and the dress is all on -----

"Now, time for the tiara"

"Be careful! Don't mess up her hair, I put it up great this time!" One of the girls say

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