huh you have a stand too? pt.1 || SdC x fem!reader

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Disclaimer: if u for real live in Hong Kong and I say something mega inaccurate I'm sorry in advanced, and that also goes the same for any french words ( I'm using Google translate, sorry)

Word Count: ~600


3rd POV

It's a normal morning in the bustling streets of 1987 Hong Kong. The enticing smell of people selling street food fills your nose. But then you remember you're at work in your family owned restaurant where even more delicious smells make your stomach growl. All you had for breakfast was a small bowl of congee and fruit. You get back to work because the customers won't sit themselves.

A few hours later it's lunch hour but it seems to be a slow day. Not many people are stopping by or even ordering something to go. When suddenly a giant French man walks though the door. He seems kind enough to be approachable and looks lost. Being the only employee that speaks fluent English, you go up to him.

" Hello sir, welcome to (insert restaurant name here). Can I seat you somewhere?"

" Yes mademoiselle, merci."

You sit him toward the side to make it seem like the restaurant was not too busy, but not too empty, to try and attract more customers. He looks at the menu for awhile, but your attention is brought to a group of four tall guys: a dark man in red robes, an older grey haired man, and two teenagers in what seem to be some sort of school uniform.

They are not locals so you assume they are some foreign friends traveling the world. Your other coworkers are busy in the kitchen and helping other customers, so you go up to the group.

" Hello, welcome to (insert restaurant name here). Can I sit you guys somewhere?" You ask.

The grey hair man speaks first. "Yes miss, that would be great."

You lead them to a table a few tables away from the French man. As they look at the menu you go seat and serve other customers. One of your coworkers goes to take their orders, but not before the French guy goes up to their table and sits with them.

'maybe he's a friend of theirs' you think to yourself.

Shortly after, their food comes out and they start eating and chatting away. Within seconds though, the table is flipped, chairs are thrown and a fire starts out of nowhere. The French guy, who's name you overhear is Polnareff, is standing face to face with the man in the robes.

'what just happened!?'

Your father and one of the cooks tells you and your coworkers to all head toward the back and out the back door to safety. But you are frozen in place, almost at the kitchen door, still in the main dining area.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Your mother shouts from the other side of the door. " Hurry up back, it's dangerous!"

You don't say anything back because your thoughts are preoccupied. You see a silver set of armor and a sword coming out from Polnareff and a flaming chicken coming out from the other man.

'hey wait a minute-' but your thoughts are interrupted by another blast of fire. With no direction, your buddy appears and shields you from the heat by creating a barrier of wind. No one else seems to notice, and you scramble into the back and exit the restaurant. Little to your knowledge, someone does take note of what they had just seen.

'huh you have a stand too?' the red haired teen thinks.


Lmk if yall want like a part 2 or more development or something :) lowkey this could build into some thing good yk

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