psycho || jotaro x reader?

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inspo: Red Velvet - Psycho just look it up on where ever and it's def gonna be the first to pop up

+ stan red velvet

+ if u want to hear an 80s ver like what (Y/N) would in theory be singing then look up a channel named JANNY.  The person who makes all these 80s remixes really is amazing.  omg they be so good

+ 00s line of boys from various boy groups did a cover for Music Bank and that shit slaps too which is y after changing which variation of psycho I decided to put this one because the line distribution,, and I wanted to make the reader gender neutral

- Akira, saki and jun are just random names so it's no correlation to anyone

- This takes place in senior year if everyone in SDC made it back home alive TT^TT

Word Count: ~ 2000 (with lyrics)


3rd POV

"Alright class, attention please! We have a representative from the arts department here to share us some news"

"Hi everyone, my name is Akira if you all didn't know already.  I'm the student activities director of the arts department and we're going to be putting on a talent show fundraiser.  It's going to be in a month and a half, so (random date).  The admission tickets are $5/person.  All the proceeds will go to funding band trips and uniforms, choir trips and uniforms, and theater sets and scripts.  So basically we're going around to each class asking if anyone would be interested in performing." 

A few people raised their hands.  

"Oh! good! Here, let me pass out the information sheet to you guys." While walking, he continues, "Also, we only have enough time for about 20-25 people to perform so we have auditions next Friday."

After passing out the sheets, she thanks the teacher and leaves to go to another class.  Thinking nothing of it, you continue with your day, learning about English and chemistry.  After class, a few peers asked if you and your friends were going to perform as well, seeing you guys lead one of the many dance/performance clubs.  

----- Lunch time -----

You and your best friend, (F/N) meet up at the usual spot behind the school

"Okay, first, what do you have for lunch today? I forgot to grab more food.." Your friend asks, stomach grumbling. 

Laughing, you reply, "Yeah, I have an extra granola bar and some raisins. Here ya go."

"OMG Thank you so much (Y/N) I don't know what I'd do without you to feed my poor forgetful soul~"

"Agagagag okay yes I'll bring some more snacks tomorrow if that's what you're trying to hint at."

"Yes PLEASE!! But nah for real y'know about the talent show thing, are we going to perform something?"

"I don't know, what do you have in mind?"

"You know what I meannn"

"Oh no, OH NO BB that is not it"

"What do you mean, (Y/N)! This is the perfect opportunity to say something! Well, sing and dance something because I know you're shy and don't like confrontation" (F/N) laughs while you pout.  

"That is not true, its straight facts!" The both of you laugh.  "But we've only worked on it a few days since the song came out like, a week ago. And there's auditions next Friday."

"yes, but what other club put together their rally performance the night before?"

"..We did,and I'm NOT doing that again!"

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