Murder: her best friend was involved
Love: she got too involved
Hate: she was more than happy to give it her best shot
And that pretty much sums up Nicole Grey; curious teen who stops at nothing to avenge her best friends death but along the way...
Today is the day, Nancy's funeral............ I wore a black straight gown and sandals when I remembered what Nancy had told us(Tori and I) *FLASHBACK* Nancy:when I die guys,I don't want anyone wearing black to my funeral Tori:why? Nikki:yeah it's not that big of a deal Nancy: it is to me. I think a funeral should be celebrated like a birthday party you know, the birthday celebrates you coming into the world and funeral celebrates you going out of it to a better place...people should call it deathday ...... Tori: so how is wearing black related to whatever you said Nikki: exactly! Nancy: well,wearing black just freaks me out you guys could wear something like yellow or blue Nikki:you want us to look like the sun vomited in us? Tori:blue? You are one crazy girl Nancy Nancy:that's why you guys don't let me do shit alone *END OF FLASHBACK *
I quickly ransacked my closet looking for my blue sundress, I have to be strong now, I know Nancy would want me to be happy and not cry but this is so much to handle alone "Hey,why are you smiling and crying at the same time?" When did he arrive here "I just miss her......what are you even doing here,in my room " and he just started laughing "What's so funny " "You're the one who told me to pick you up,and when I knocked on the door you told me to come in and carry you downstairs bridal style " "I did?" I asked not believing a thing that came out of his mouth ......... how would I just ramble random stuff like that "Yeah you did, now please can we go to the feet are killing me" "Okay lemme just text Joan the address.......... oh, and wear something blue or yellow " "Aren't funerals supposed to be all black?" He asked confused "Well,this one's a tiny bit was Nancy's idea, you wouldn't understand " I replied and left. ♌️♌️♌️♌️♌️♌️♌️♌️♌️♌️♌️ Nate's pov Girls.........the one creature I can never seem to understand no matter how hard I try..... they're like a mixture of ice and water,simple and hard at the same time , mood swings every now and then. We arrived at the church a little late but Nikki is still able to give her speech.....speaking of Nikki;I watched how slowly she walked up to the alter,hands and feet trembling with fear,she looks like a freaking fish out of water as she keeps shaking... "DEATH.... a cold,painful feeling of loosing a loved one in the gripping arms that has no life again; It comes so soon and unexpected, mostly uninvited.............. And there's no way to turn back the hands of time, it has become permanent,it can't be shifted Finally we have to say goodbye to the ones we love..........everything just happens so quickly,like a test I didn't prepare for............ when you and I go down, Breathless and cold; Our faces both worn back to earthly mould, how lonely I shall be! You without me; I without you? You taught me so many things.......... but I came to realize that true treasure isn't about getting at all, it's about giving that's why am letting you go.... I know that tough times don't last but am trying to look on the brighter side of things.....but your death alone has given me so much more reasons to want to explore and embrace life the way it is ......... you changed my life even without trying and I don't think I could ever tell you how much you mean to me. I can't imagine what things would be like if I hadn't met you...... Goodbye Nan..... I know you're in a better place now may your soul rest it perfect peace with the savior." She ended so gracefully with swollen eyes .
The service had just ended so we were driving down to Nikki's apartment for the reception.....she looks so stressed and worn out from crying so much, I've never really seen her this hurt before,skin so pale and I wish I could wipe that frown off her face....... Hours later she's greeting everyone and receiving condolences from family and friends of the diseased. ♌️♌️♌️♌️♌️♌️♌️♌️♌️♌️♌️
Nicole's pov
"Thank you so much miss Martha, there's champagne in the inner room can help yourself " I told the last guess....... I won't deny that am kinda glad that Nate's here, I haven't forgotten how he stood me up but I guess everyone deserves a second chance,besides; he looks so sorry for what he did am even surprised Maddison didn't show up "Where is she!!" Speaking about the devil who even invited her over ? I walked over to were she stood "what do you want " am in no mood for teenage drama right now "Where's Nate?" "And how exactly am I supposed to know " I replied arcing my eyebrow "Don't you dare act smart with me! I know that he carried you to your room three days ago and I know he obviously stayed with you while you cry over your good for nothing dead freak of a friend " oh now she's crossed the line..... and then I slapped her real hard that I could literally feel my blood boiling "Don't you ever in your entire fake life ever even by mistake you say shit about my best friend! Ever" I screamed causing everyone's attention on us "Am living a fake life "she laughed "Yeah,you know you're so fake that you make Barbie look real...... so am gonna ask you as nicely as I can..........get the hell out and take the remaining knots that have fallen from your brain with you " ooo am loving the way she's turning red "What?" Oh so now she's speechless "Sweetie imma gon need you to put those few remaining brain cells together and work with me here okay?... so please get out since you don't understand English " there were some oooos and ahs everywhere while Maddison just stands still like a log of decaying wood......what? Am a really nice person okay! "This isn't over yet!" "Oh darling,it's pretty much over to me " I smiled as she walked away.
A/N:sooo how's the book going for y'all? Anyway I need ideas on what you guys want the cover to look like you can send me a picture of your designs on WhatsApp or Instagram through this 👇🏾👇🏾 WhatsApp:08119952041 Instagram:lolexeldee Also have a great week ahead 💋💋
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